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Oh my god!!!
It was the aruara from subnautica, only this was repeared.

Other people ran away screaming but we stayed.
We gathered around a button that was labeled, 'EJECT.'

Felix reluctantly reached out is hand and pressed the button...

Suddenly there was a poud HISSSSSS!!!
A panell folded out and crushed the pizza place,
Pewds screamed as two figures emereged from one side of the ship and walked down tthe walkway just formed.

As they came closer, I started to notice two figures. Syddenly whispered ij my ear the name 'jacksepticeye.' U ran up to the two figures, I saw that one of the figures was a child and one was... JACKSEPTICEYE.
Who by the way got lost last year, just after adopting a child.

The police shut down all adoption centres around the world and shot mrs. Raistrick who owned that branch.

if I was adopted by pewdiepieWhere stories live. Discover now