To the future

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Felix drove his car up the ramp and in to the aruara.
I was amazed that the kid called Jacob just sat there bored.

Jack pulled a lever and the pannel ramp started to lift.
As the world as I knew it dissapeared behind me, I felt sad. Jack out of the blue asked me if we had cake and cookies.

Felix answered back with, "acctually, as a matter of fact. yes."

Jack asked why were we carrying cake and cookies.

Felix suddenly had a sad expression on his face and said, "me, marzia and billy were gonna have a picnic on the cliff nearby and watch the sunset together."

Jack opened the boot of the car and pulled out a tray of cake abd cookies and ran away.

We followed after him and through a door that had the plaque above reading: observation deck 3. Once inside, we sat down at a feast table and jack pressed a button on his table. There was a sudden loud groan. The table flipped and his part of the table flipped into a controle pannel.

He pressed a button and the engines started to roar into life.

Jack shouted loudly: COUNTDOWN BEGIN.

Suddenly, a loud voice filled the room that said: 10, 9, 8...

The ship was counting down as the sun set on the horizen.
There was a sudden feel if emotion in the ship.

It took me, Felix and Marzia to realise that the ship was taking off.

...3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!

We flew at imense speed throgh some sort of worm hole. Jack suddenly screamed "INTO THE FUTURE!!!"

if I was adopted by pewdiepieWhere stories live. Discover now