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I got home, kept away my things, and was doing my chores when Kookie called me.

"Yes? What happened now? Did you forget something?" I cheekily teased him. There was silence for a bit before Kookie told me to check my Line. I opened it to see a picture from him; I had left my bag behind!

Shit! No wonder I was thinking that I missed something but could not figure out what.

"Kookie, oh Kookie, sorry about that. Can you bring it over tomorrow when we meet for rehearsals?"

There was a dab of silence before Kookie told me to open the door. I opened it only to come face to face with him. He rolled his eyes at me jokingly as he shoved the bag into my arms.

"Ah, thank you. Sorry about this. You could have just passed it tomorrow."

"Hyung ah, your clothes, plus gym wear, schedule for tomorrow, and your blackberry is inside. Wouldn't you need it?"

I face palmed internally. I groaned as I thanked him profusely again. He just shook his head, telling me to be careful before he took off. His house was easily 30 minutes away from mine, so to make that trip. I sighed to myself as I closed the door. This guy was really the sweetest I had ever come across. He literally wore his heart on his sleeves and was like a child who needed to be protected. It was a running joke that he would make a wonderful boyfriend, but one that would be bullied by his girlfriend and JK always just laughed goodnaturedly at our ribbing.

I continued my chores and finally settled down to order an early dinner for myself when I heard knocks on the door. I was confused as I wasn't expecting any visitors. I opened the door only to have Jimin, V, and JK bounding in with food packages in their hands.

"What are you three doing here?!?!"

"Aww, hyung, we came to join you for dinner!"

"Yea! Let's have dinner together, na!"

I glared at all 3 boys who just grinned at me. Handling one was bad enough. The entire maknae line? Alone? Without Jin or J Hope or even Suga?

I groaned. I took out my phone, determined to call reinforcements, but JK took my phone and ran away, chuckling whilst V just grinned at me sheepishly, and Jimin went raiding my fridge for soju. I smacked JK when I managed to grab him by his ear. He grinned, and he handed the phone over.

We all sat down and the boys started to unpack the food.

"Is it me or does the food look homemade?"

JK just smiled whilst Jimin filled me in that JK had been slaving over a stove for the last 2 hours cooking so that we could all have dinner together. I looked over at JK, who was busy shovelling food in his mouth, nary a care, and squabbling with V again.

"But why? There is no special occasion, na?"

Jimin smiled at me as he filled me in that it was Friendship Day. JK always commemorated today with a meal. He wanted everyone to join but the other 3 had very pressing engagements so he had bundled up the rest and turned up at my place. It had totally slipped my mind. I looked over at JK who was just eating and stoning now. V went to get more drinks whilst Jimin helped him. I slid over to JK and slung a hand over his shoulders.

"Yes, hyung?"

"Sorry, I forgot about today. Been so busy. I know you liked commemorating today. I should have remembered better."

"Don't be silly hyung. You are so busy and have alot on your plate. Thank you for letting us crash."

I just smiled at JK who went back to his food but being the messy eater again. I reached out to clean his mouth for him gently. He looked at me and smiled. I just flicked him on his nose and then the arrival of the other 2 boys broke up our momentum.

The rowdy antics of the boys lasted through the night. Since, we all had rehearsals tomorrow at 8am, the boys decided to crash over. As usual, I surrended my bed to them with Jimin and V occupying it. JK joined me at the hall, choosing to sleep on the floor. I disagreed, pushing him towards the couch and took the floor.

A little while later, I felt someone next to me. I turned to see JK lying next to me, in a white t shirt and black trackies.

"Why aren't you taking the couch?"

"I can't leave you here alone!"

"It's fine. Go to the couch."

"Join me!"

"Are you crazy?! It wouldn't fit us!"

"Precisely but the floor will. So let's just sleep here."

I nearly growled at JK in frustration but he just smiled at me, wrapping his arms around me and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep. I just looked at him for a while before pulling him into my arms and laid back. I felt JK nestling closer to me and soon, his steady breathing lulled me to sleep too.

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