Des-Purr-Ate Measures CHAPTER 2

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Chapter 2: The Unfortunate Witness - Neville Longbottom

After around a minute, Harry sighed heavily and stared at the cat with an expression that Neville could only describe as Tired. He’d seen his Gran give him the same look when he’d done something particularly stupid.

“You’re such an idiot,” he told the cat, though Neville was starting to wonder if it even was a cat. Harry sighed again and did a spell that Neville couldn’t hear, and then Neville knew that the cat was definitely not a cat at all.

Because suddenly, in the cat’s place, was a very dishevelled, and a very naked Tom Riddle.

Neville couldn’t even function enough to cover his eyes.

Harry squeaked at the sight, and Neville found a slither of comfort in the fact that he wasn’t the only one that was incredibly flustered here.

“Why the fuck did you do it now ?” Tom asked angrily, trying to cover himself with his hands. It wasn’t working too well.

“You didn’t say you’d be naked!” Harry whisper-shouted, still looking the other direction. Tom was wearing an expression that looked as though he wanted to murder Harry, though Neville knew he wouldn’t have to be concerned about that. If it were someone else there in Harry’s place, then he’d worry. But this was Harry, and Neville knew that Tom wouldn’t hurt him.

“It’s kind of common sense, Harry-”

"Are you really gonna try talking about common sense after trying to gain immortality from a cat body? You're not in a position to judge stupidity after pulling off a stunt like that."

"It was a reasonable theory."

"No, it was a bullshit theory! Everyone knows cats don't actually have nine lives, Tom! It's a myth!"

"Muggles think magic is a myth," Tom pointed out. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd rather not be having a naked argument in the library.”

Neville would rather that, too, as he was becoming both incredibly confused and incredibly embarrassed at having listened in for so long.

He watched as Harry handed over his outer school robe - why was he wearing uniform? - and as Tom pulled the too-small clothes over himself. Harry turned back to look at him then, and smirked at what he saw.

“What’re you smiling at?” Tom asked with an annoyed edge to his voice that would’ve made anyone else hesitate, but Harry just smiled some more.

“Your hair’s all messed up.” he stated, and Tom rolled his eyes.

Neville struggled to stay quiet as Harry leaned over and planted a small kiss on one of Tom’s blushing cheeks before pulling away and taking one of his hands. “Come on, before someone sees Perfect Tom Riddle looking like he’s been living like an animal- oh wait…” he trailed off, and Neville blinked in confusion as Harry laughed at Tom’s scowl.

He felt as though he was definitely missing something.

“You love me,” Harry said in a chirpy tone, and Neville held his breath in shock. Riddle didn’t love anyone…

But Tom’s expression was softening, and he tightened his grip on Harry’s hand.

“I do, you brat.”

They walked out of the library, leaving behind a very confused and equally traumatised Neville Longbottom in the Herbology section.

Because Neville, who generally blended into the bookshelves, had witnessed everything.

He made a mental note to ask the matron for an Obliviate.

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