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I pointed my gun at his head as he pointed his at mine.

Who knew the once soo mad in love couple would end up this way?

I knew I couldn't shoot him. I can't do it.

So I was waiting for the bullet. Ready to take it.

I'm gonna get killed by the person I love the most.

All our moments together flashed in my mind.


(A/N: Let's rewind a little now!)


Just a perfect day at college! 

Life as it is right now is perfect! I could totally ask for nothing more.

But yeah! At our happiest moments come the greatest problems.

As I was sipping my Americano in the cafeteria while listening to Jennie's ranting about her ex, I received a notification from the most unexpected person.

My Dad.

He texts me or contacts me only when he needs me to do something for him.

It wasn't always like this. He used to be soo lovable and caring during my childhood but as his business expanded and he became busier, we grew apart.

I still love him and cherish him the same though.

Well, back to where we were, he asked me to come meet him at our HQ tonight as he has an important task for me.

I said yes.

Well, my dad is the CEO of a big company. And he runs a mafia group too. It is called 'Antieroi' It is an Italian word meaning anti-hero.

I don't usually get involved in their stuff but occasionally, they give me some minor missions.

Well, Jennie is the daughter of my dad's best friend who is a rich CEO too. 

Soo Jennie knows about my family's mafia background.



I went to the HQ and waited till dad arrived. He had gone for a mission and it's taking him more time than expected. 

My dad's right hand-man's son, Kai, accompanied me.

"Hey darling! Looking good today too as usual." He complimented with a wink.

Yes. I'm used to his flirting.

"Ahem." I just cleared my throat and said nothing.

Dad arrived and everyone got alerted as they bowed to him.

"My daughter! Did you wait too long?" He asked me as he caressed my hair with his bloody hands.

I yanked his hands away.

"What did you call me for, dad?" I asked.

"I guess you are curious. Well then. I'll tell you, come inside." He said as we went to his office.

"Soo basically, don't ask me why or whatever but listen. There's this guy you gotta make him fall in love with you. He's not an easy target so it might be difficult. But I trust you as no one can resist you. Haha!" Dad completed.

"So you want me to fool someone and date them for fun? No! I'm not doing it." I said sternly.

"Please understand dear. Follow our instructions and help us out. We really need your help." He requested.

"But- How can I ever play with someone's feelings? That's totally wrong." I stated.

"I know but please! Do it for me please." Dad begged.

I had no option but to say yes.

He looks like he won't give up.

Well, how bad can it get? 

I just think the guy whom dad wants me to seduce is a decent person who knows information about our enemies.

Yeah, it won't do me any harm either but-

I just have a bad feeling about this.

LIAR *KimMingyu* Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now