Despise everyone but her

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Three minutes had gone past or perhaps five. Suna couldn't tell time anymore. All she knew was she didn't want to let go of him. For this to come to an end, for her heart to stop beating so damn fast.

  Kaya's hands had moved down to her waist inching her closer, his grip was getting tenser and rougher with each passing second. He wanted to get lost in her body, for his skin and hers to become one.

  The laughs of nearby strangers made reality come crashing down. They can't do this here, in public. He needs to prevent himself from losing complete control.

  He tried to retreat but Suna didn't allow it. He called out her name in between kisses and she responded with yet more kisses, desperate and fervent. Kaya pulled his hands off of her hips, grabbed her cheeks, and pulled her face away.

  "Let's not get too carried away" he mumbled with a deep voice, almost a whisper. If Suna hadn't been close to him, skin on skin, she wouldn't have heard it. Their forehead had collided, bodies heatedly pressed, hearts beating in unison.

  Suna looked up to meet Kaya's eyes, her eyes scanning his back and forth while his gaze remained unwavering. All time had slowed down when they gazed into each other's eyes as if taking in those few moments, these precious ones, was the single upmost important thing in the world.   

  But when the words he said earlier finally made sense to Suna, she let go of his face and hesitantly took a step back.

  She cleared her throat and began fidgeting with her fingers "Right, you're r-right. Let's not"

  Just when Kaya parted his lips to speak, a voice called out Suna's name.

  "Where were you? I thought you told Seryan you were going to our hotel room?" Asuman asked, her confusion and curiosity evident on her face.

  Suna glanced at Kaya one last time then at Asuman "I was on the way from the ... bathroom, Kaya a-and I ran into each other" She said raspiness clouding her throat. 

  Kaya raised his eyebrows then turned around to face Asuman and nodded "Anyways, I'll be on my merry way back. Nice talking to you ladies" he said with a smirk, mostly glancing at Suna albeit she didn't return the favor. 

  "Aha" replied Asuman and gestured for Suna to come with her, Suna complied and followed Asuman looking only at the road in front of her.

  "So what's going on Suna? what did you two talk about?" Asuman asks.

  Suna took longer than necessary to answer  "Nothing important, don't pay it any mind"

  "Aha, so you were being harsh on him again", Asuman laughed "You gotta let him loose, you from one side and Ferit from the other. Give him a break, sweetheart"

  "He didn't seem bothered much" Suna smiled despite herself but quickly dropped it "I mean, he doesn't seem to care that much about Ferit's words ... Anyways, where are we going?"

  Asuman chuckled "Oh right! I came to get you so we'll have enough time to get ready. Ferit decided to rent a boat for us last minute!"

"Really? That's uncharacteristic of him, he invited Kaya?"

  Asuman chuckled and rolled her eyes "You really think so?"

  "Of course he didn't, not smart of me to assume otherwise" Suna replied, a hint of annoyance in her tone that she tried to hide.

  "So where are they? Seryan and Ferit?"

  Asuman shrugged "Probably in their hotel room"

  Suna nodded, took out her phone and texted Seryan to meet them at the lobby. 

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