A/N Notes:Updates & Suggestions

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Hey everyone, I hope you guys are having a wonderful day, or night. I would like to mention that I have scheduled a short update for this story on Friday and that it is safe to expect a longer update either Saturday and Sunday. I also wanted to ask for character suggestions. I can squeeze in some characters that you guys may like into the story. So if there are any horror characters you want me to add to the list, feel free to comment the suggestions or message me, about suggestion or anything else. BTW, is anyone interested in a poetry books or phantom of the opera stories. I've been thinking about writings those, but I'm not sure if there are any demands for them. Anyway, thank you to all who read or look at my stories. I really really really appreciate the support. All of you are absolutely lovely. I'll try my best to not make you guys wait too long for updates.

                                                                                               -Love Raven_exe

PS: List of character currently in book: Billy Loomis and Stu Macher (Scream), Freddy Krueger (Nightmare On Elm Street), Carrie White (Carrie), Chucky (Child's Play, etc.), Esther (The Orphan), Jason Voorhees (Friday 13th), Micheal Myers (Halloween).

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