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Eventually Josie had to go home.

It was already later than expected and her phone had been buzzing with texts, probably from her nosy twin or maybe from her father.

Bella looked offended at the nosy comment.

Josie gave her a deadpanned stare and Bella sighed and looked away from her twin, knowing that on some level that she was right.

Josie extracted herself from her soulmate earning a sound that emitted from Rosalie's throat between a mix of a whine and a growl. Half upset that she had to leave and the growl warned her not to leave.

The vampires in the room raised teasing eyebrows at Rosalie, who ducked her head and looked away, not caring what anyone else thinks.

She just got her mate back, leaving her alone.

Seemed like Rosalie's conscience and her beast were at battle.

Her beast didn't want her mate out of her sight, in fact, her beast growled the warning, trying to get her mate to submit to her wishes, whilst Rosalie didn't want her mate to leave and so a whine bubbled up in her throat.

Explaining her thought process is really helping everyone explain how she's feeling.

But as soon as Josie's inner vampire and werewolf heard their mate's distress it was like she had no control of her body anymore.

"Wait really?" Carlisle asked interested.

"Yeah, it's something none of us can control. We inherited it from Mom too." Hope explained.

Carlisle noted that down to research later.

Josie was suddenly back on top of Rosalie with her face in Rosalie's neck trying to emit soothing pheromones which her wolf could do.

She was an alpha after all.

"I can't do that." Sam said looking towards Josie.

"Mom meant werewolves. You guys are shifters, not werewolves. There's a difference." Lizzie said to the man.

The elders hummed. Wondering what the difference was that made it so obvious.

Rosalie's inner beast hummed in approval.

"Come with me to my house." Josie muttered against Rosalie's skin.

Rosalie was up faster than she could think and suddenly out her window.

Josie was set down on the ground since Rosalie had hopped out the window clutching onto Josie.

"Woah, head rush." Bella said. Just watching how fast the clip played out was making her a bit dizzy.

"Race you there." Rosalie said with a competitive smirk.

Josie smiled. Rosalie was still the same after decades, it made Josie smile at how little things have really changed.

"I try." Rosalie muttered with a small smirk on her face.

I mean sure, she was a reincarnated immortal hybrid and her mate was an immortal cold one vampire, but if you thought about it, they hadn't really changed all too much.

Josie was still the same lovable dork who loved sports and cars. She still liked talking nature walks(more like runs) and still smarter than anyone Rosalie had ever met.

Josie was still kind and compassionate, she still was a daddy's girl, and she still liked to cuddle.

Her hugs were as warm as they'd always been, her smile still lit up any room she walked into.

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