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(This an AU reaction version of The Real Parents from 4 years ago, since so many wanted a reaction version, here you go)

The Mikaelsons were dropped into the room with Klaus landing on the floor and holding his torso where he had been attacked. His siblings, with guilty expression all came to help him up. Then Klaus gasped, catching their attentions and making them pause, "Henrik?" he whispered.

"Yeppers," a voice spoke and all their heads snapped over to see a sixteen year old version of Henrik Mikaelson, their younger brother.

"I'm here too," a female spoke and they saw Freya with a bit of blood on her.

"Freya?" Finn asked in shock, pulling away from the sibling pile, almost causing Klaus to fall as Finn was the one holding him up the most.

"And me," another female spoke.

"Sage?!" Finn asked louder.

"Finn's having a crisis," Klaus comments and his siblings nod while Kol also snorts.

"Why does Freya have blood on her?" Elijah asked, making his siblings all snap their heads back to Freya.

"I was with mom," Freya said with a shrug.

They hear groaning and see Damon Salvatore stand up, look at them, then back away, grabbing someone else's hand—revealed to be Caroline's as they moved away from the group. Stefan Salvatore stood up next, also looked at the Mikaelsons then looked at his brother and Caroline in surprise, before moving away from the group.

"What did you do Klaus?" Elena asked with a sneer.

"I didn't do anything, how do you know it wasn't your witch?" Klaus returned.

"It wasn't me," Bonnie stated and then was surprised when Klaus didn't say anything else.

"Hello," a voice spoke, they all turned to see a platinum blonde woman in a black dress with a slightly innocent but devious look on her face.

"Aunt Luna?" the Mikaelsons asked in confusion making the Scooby gang turned to them in confusion.

"Hello Darlings," 'Luna' said with a smile.

Someone screamed and they turned to find Esther their in chains, "Oh yes, you've arrived, lovely—now shush," Luna said and then Esther lost her voice. Luna turned to the others, "I think it's about time you five are you reunited with your parents like Freya and Henrik have been..."

Luna turned to the side revealing a pale woman with white hair in braids and eerie green eyes and a tale man with long dark blonde hair and blue eyes. The siblings sped over, Freya and Henrik following behind slower as they've at least been with their mother and hugged them.

Elena watched the siblings in surprise in how they were actually acting like children. Bonnie watched with a small smile wishing she could have that big of a family.

"Mom," a voice called and a man in his twenties. The Mikaelsons turned to see him and an older man that Klaus in particular knew was a wolf.

"Mischief, Peter," their mother greeted with hugs.

"Iris?" a voice called, the Mikaelsons' mother gasped and a man with curly hair and glasses dressed in a black suit stood off to the side.

"Aren't you supposed to be in your own universe?" Iris, their mother asked in almost a whisper.

"I think our Lunas/ his Sirius worked together to bring us here," another voice spoke and a man with black hair and the same green eyes as Iris spoke. Iris left her children and husband and went to hug the two.

"Sirius is "Lady Magic"?" Iris asked the first man.

The first man snorted, "He always gets dramatic about it."

"Who is that?" Elijah asked his father, his siblings listening in.

"The younger one is Harry, in a way mom's twin, in a way mom's male counterpart. The other one is James, your grandfather, but also one of mom's counterparts. It might be explained. I'm Teddy by the way, I go by Mischief," the twenty year old introduced himself, "I'm your oldest sibling."

"Damon," a new voice spoke up, one that made Damon tense. He turned around and found someone he had thought to be dead but hadn't been sure. Lorenzo St. John was standing in front of him and didn't look angry or anything, he actually gave a small smile and opened his arms a little bit. Damon looked at him in disbelief before he walked over and hugged him, surprising the others.

"So you all are going to see your future and how well it's going to turn out well for some of you, and bad it will turn out for others," Luna informed them. "Enzo and Davina," Luna pointed at the man Damon was hugging and a short brunette teenager sitting in the corner, "Are slightly from the future—and so is Jenna—"

"JENNA?!" Jeremy, Elena, and Alaric say in shock.

Jenna Sommers rolled her eyes at Elena and Alaric flashing a set of fangs and black eyes at them making jump back in shock before Jenna smiled brightly at Jeremy.

"Anyway, let's get started," Luna said as everyone made their way to seats. Elena whined because she was stuck next to Esther as Enzo, Caroline, and Bonnie took any opportunity to sit with the Salvatores.

Xelanah Elfyra as Iris Potter-Morningstar (the woman on the cover)

Ben Dahlaus as Lucifer (I was going more accurate casting here, but if you want Tom Ellis, go with Tom Ellis, but he'll described as a blonde)

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