Chapter Two

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In the pile of seven children and their parents, "Sometimes I wish one of the boys was a girl, this is one of those moments," Iris said quietly. The children and her husband looked at her, "You have more surface area," she said to her husband who was currently holding their two daughters.

There were a few a chuckles while the male siblings looked offended. Caroline had covered her mouth when a startled snort escaped her mouth.

The girls giggled, her husband smirked, and the boys, acting the ages they appeared to be, scrunched their noses up in disgust. Iris was feeling a bit buried, although she really didn't mind it, by Elijah, Finn, and Henrik. Lucifer was holding onto Rebekah and Freya, while Kol and Niklaus were lying in between them. "Is Aunt Luna really gonna go threaten the Bennett witch?" Niklaus asked.

"So cute," Caroline squeaked and blushed when Klaus looked in her direction.

"Oh, yes, when she told me I would be reunited with my husband and the rest of my children her words were, "Oooh, and there's a Bennett witch, I hate Bennetts, I must introduce myself," in other words, she's going to cause pain," Iris told them.

Bonnie was a bit scared. She was realizing Harry may have been right when Elena wouldn't give her support, but Caroline did, although the Bennett noticed she did it hesitantly. Bonnie also felt the eyes of Damon on her, as if daring her to do something to Caroline.

Damon and Stefan walked into the Salvatore House to be met with Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline. "Are they all undaggered? Even their mother?" Elena asked.

"Yes, but then something weird happened," Stefan said. The girls looked at them in surprise. "A blonde chick appeared claiming to be "Lady Magic" and threw us out the window, Esther looked scared of her," Damon added on to his brother's sentence. None of them noticed a paling Bonnie, they didn't think a Lady Magic existed, but Bonnie had remembered when Grams told her about Bennett's not exactly being in Lady Magic's favor but didn't know why. Bonnie thought it was just some story her grams told her so she would behave, apparently she was wrong.

"Figured that out," Bonnie mumbled.

"I gotta go," she quickly said and left before the others could call her to come back. As soon as she walked to her house and entered, she felt it. A strong sense of magic, a very strong one, it almost suffocated her. She walked in and saw a blonde woman dressed in black sitting in her living room, "Bonnie Bennett," she said in a delicate voice.

"Lady Magic, how lovely—" Bonnie was cut off.

"Shut it," the delicate voice went away.

"Go off, Luna," Iris and Harry mumble.

"Sirius would have been off on the house already, be lucky," James said, mentioning the last bit to Bonnie.

Bonnie felt something overwhelming, to the point it became pain, she groaned in pain as she fell to the floor, "That is your magic turning against you. You keep doing what you are doing I will take that magic away, and you will not get it back. I really hate Bennett's, you're the last straw, if you act out more with helping that doppelganger, I will take away your magic. Your ancestors have a habit of being involved with them," Luna said.

"What?" Bonnie gasped out.

"Oooh, you didn't know. Qetsiyah cursed the original Petrova and to be the gateway to the Other Side, which pissed my sister and brother-in-law off, the first doppelganger, Tatia, was watched over by Ayana, another ancestor of yours, she tried protecting her but couldn't and Tatia's blood made the vampires after Esther drained her blood. Of course, Ayana was killed soon after. The next was Katerina, or as you know her, Katherine, who had Emily Bennett, definitely sure you know her, she was part of the reason Katherine escaped, but she got burned at the stake, she was betrayed, all of your ancestors get involved with a Petrova doppelganger when they're around and get betrayed," Luna explained.

Bonnie had a cold feeling rush over her upon realizing Luna was right. Her Grams must've had some suspicion because she didn't like Elena, and yet still helped her and died for it.

"But Elena—"

"Oh, Elena's my best friend. She's different," Luna mocked, "Please, all the Petrovas go for a set of brothers, Tatia with Elijah and Niklaus, Katherine with the same two but then moving onto the Salvatores, and Elena seems to be dragging both of them along, destroying their brotherhood..."

Stefan and Damon shared a look. Stefan, for the first time, notices Damon looked a bit miserable being near the doppelganger and pulled him away to a different seat where he seemed to relax a bit more.

"...How many people have died because of Elena. There were her adoptive parents, giving her the sad sob story that they all seem to carry around, there was Vicki, Elena wouldn't stop her bad mouthing of Damon and how he was a monster. There was your Grams, probably the only Bennett I could tolerate, to open the tomb so Damon could try to find, you guessed it, another doppelganger. Then there was Caroline, even though that was technically your fault, and then you wouldn't help her when she was turned you judgy little witch. Oh who's next, ah, Jenna, Jenna died at the sacrifice because Elena wanted Caroline out. Then Stefan goes Ripper twice because of Elena, while one might've been because of Damon it wouldn't have started if they didn't meet Elena. Then the werewolf used in the sacrifice, there was all the tomb vampires, John Gilbert, Mayor Lockwood, the Martin witches, take your pick, all traced back to her or you doing something to help her," Luna listed off.

"I wouldn't have used Caroline. I wasn't going to use Jenna, but I got angry. Sorry Jenna," Klaus apologized.

"I also know it was your paranoia of feeling your wolf," Jenna shrugged, "Apology accepted, it got me out of Mystic Falls."

"They didn't all die because of me," Elena argued, but nobody listened other than Alaric.

Bonnie was looking at Caroline in shock before she wrapped her arms around her and hugged the blonde vampire. "I'm sorry," Bonnie mumbled. It hit her that it was her fault, indirectly, but it was still her actions because it affected Tyler and she wanted Caroline to heal.

"So," Bonnie gasped again, the pain hitting her again, "Help her with anything else, including involving the Originals, I will take your magic. If any of them are killed, I will take your magic. Oh, and if you do kill any of them you kill their whole sire line, just thought you liked to know that before you almost kill the Salvatores and Caroline all in one," Luna added before she left a crying Bonnie.

Elena paled then. She could lose both Salvatores. She turned to face them and then realized they weren't sitting with her. She found them sitting away, but Damon had his head in his hands, covering his face, and Stefan was glaring in her direction. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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