00: Intro and Notes!

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Whether you came from my old book or are completely new to my works, I welcome you to my brand new version of my YGO shipping fic! ^^

This fic will be relatively similar in terms of ships added given that I'm only getting back into the fandom now and have only really watched enough of DM, Arc V, BBT and DSOD to know the characters well enough to make headcanons for them. I am debating whether to add in starshipping or not since I have only started watching both GX and 5D's but I think I will mostly keep them out for now unless there is a hc of them I really want to share.

I will be posting mostly headcanons as the title of the fic suggests however I may occasionally post fanfic pieces of varying lengths as well for fun.

I was planning to make a list of ships that will be talked about here but I decided that it would be better not to so that I don't feel restricted or pressured to keep the list up to date all the time should I change my mind about some of the ships.

Requests are fine but please remember to keep it to the ships from the series mentioned above. I won't be taking fic requests for now since the main point of this is for me to share my hcs but that may change in the future.

Sorry for the long intro but I like to clarify things just in case, anyways I hope you enjoy reading!

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