03: Ships who would use Promise Rings

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This was solely meant to be a hc for one ship but the more I thought about it, the more I realised that there are quite a few ships who might use/believe in promise rings. Commentary will be added but if you would simply like to know the ships, they will be in bold.



They are the ones I originally thought of this hc for because they are from different eras so they would not be able to see each other often unless Yusei is to travel back to Jaden's time for whatever reason. When searching up the meaning of promise rings, one of them was "I will return" which is obviously kind of vague since what one of the partners would be returning from will obviously differ from couple to couple, in this case I imagine it to mean "I will return to your time and love you", something like that.


While they aren't from different eras, Yugo and Yuzu have a slightly similar situation to Yusei and Jaden with how they are not from the same dimension; Yugo being from the Synchro Dimension and Yuzu being from the Standard Dimension. In terms of the vow of "I will return" it's basically the same as the above but change "your time" to "your dimension". I joked in my head that Yugo gave Yuzu a ring he made himself or a plastic ring he found and gave Yuzu as a promise ring which I think fits him in a way.

Literally any Ryou ship

He just seems like the kinda guy to believe in these sorts of things, you know? Despite this, I feel like Ryou would only use them if he's really sure about the relationship though. For example, he wouldn't waste his money on a partner who's never there for him because then, what's the point in dealing their promise to stay committed to each other with a ring if they aren't committed? It's just not worth it. On the bright side however, I also would like to believe that he'd take ages in finding the perfect ring to use as a promise ring for his partner taking things into consideration such as their favourite gem/colour and any designs he knows that they like. One of the perks of dating an artist, they have an eye for detail.

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