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"Help!" I heard someone yell.  "Help!" Looking below the river, I saw a person drowning. Without thinking twice, I jumped over the bridge and to the person. Jumping towards the cold river was the dumbest decision I have ever made in my whole 16 years. 

Swimming in the river, I was looking for the person drowning. I noticed that there was no one and just me in the river. 

'Must be another game of my mind,' I thought.

After looking for a while to make sure that no one was drowning, I then tried to swim to the surface until something grabbed my ankle. Looking downwards, I noticed a vine trying to pull me deeper into the river.

Trying to pull my leg out of the vine, I noticed another vine trying to pull my other leg as well.

'Fuck what is this? I've never heard of a vine pulling humans,'

Panicked and struggling to get my leg from its grasp, I began losing air at a high speed.


'Help me'


After those thoughts, my eyes then closed and my vision started seeing black.

The Gate Between Life and Death (One Piece x OC)Where stories live. Discover now