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Waking up, the first thing I noticed was the very shiny and bright sun. Sitting up, I noticed that I was by the seashore and was very wet. 

"Ughh now my uniform is wet," I said.

Looking at my now wet uniform, you can see my underwear since my uniform blouse is white.

"Good thing I brought this sweater with me. Though I hate wearing it during a hot day." Changing out of my wet blouse, I began changing into the yellow sweater that I brought with me.

"Weird how it's so sunny here when it's supposed to be fall," I told no one but myself.

"Fall? But it's always summer here?" I heard a very manly voice.

Huh? Was I not alone?

Looking at my side, I saw a man with black hair, a black mustache, and wearing clothes that looked like a pirate.

"What you looking at little lady?" he asked.

"AHHHHHHHHH" I yelled.

"AHHHHHHHHH" He yelled.

Running backwards, away from him, I then turned around and ran.

"Hey wait!"

"Nope, just a dream...It's just a dream," I repeatedly told myself until I saw him in front of me.

"AHHHHHH" I stopped running from the ghost and started praying.

"Oh Lord please help me, I promise to be good-" 

"You can see me!" The ghost said.

"Don't interrupt someone when they're praying!" I scolded and then continued praying.

"You can see me!" He repeated.


"HAHAHHAHAHA you're funny kid," he said.

"I'm Gol D. Roger. Nice to meet ya," he continued.

"I'm Watanabe Sanzu, nice to meet ya Gol-san," I said, still wary of him but remembering my manners, I introduced myself. Calming myself down, I took in his whole appearance. He seems like he's about 50-ish years old.

"Are you really a ghost Gol-san?"

"Yep! I died 20 years ago," he said.

"How did you die..?" I asked.

"You...don't know who I am?"


"I'm the Pirate King,"

"What's this a children's story?"

"You said something about 'it's supposed to be fall' a few minutes ago. Maybe you're on another island? No that's impossible, everyone knows about me, the pirate king,"

"Maybe I'm from another world?" I asked.

"It's possible,"

"HAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHA" We both laughed and then stopped. Looking at each other, we then began to ask questions relating to the world we know.

"Do you have a cellphone??"

"What the heck is that??"

"It's used for communication,"

"Oh you mean a Den Den Mushi,"

"What the heck even is that??"

Looking at each other bewildered, we then sat down and let it all sink into us.

"So you're from another world,"



A peaceful silence then befall us. I was still in shock about the events until I saw a tiger cub wandering around our area. But, the tiger is transparent like Gol-san.

"Hey Gol-san, is that tiger dead?"


Noticing us, the tiger went towards me. I have always been a softie towards animals. Whether they were wild or not.

"What happened to you little guy?" I asked while trying to pet him which I couldn't. The tiger just looked at me and purred. Trying to touch him again, I put my right palm out to let him touch me until I noticed my right hand had a weird somewhat like a summoning mark. Not caring about it, the tiger then touched my hand. My hand and the tiger glowed and the tiger was slowly fading. While the tiger was glowing, I saw some parts of his memories and the reason why he died.

"Wait! What the heck is happening??"

"The tiger is going to the other side," Gol-san said while smiling.

"That usually just happens when they arrive at the gate for the other side,"

"Then why did he vanish when he reached for my hand? I'm not a gate!"

"That mark on your palm,"


"Is the same mark as the one in the gate. That must be the reason."

Hearing his explanation made me enraged. I bitterly chuckled.

"Now I'm a gate through life and death? Why am I always associated with death anyway?"


"My name. I was named after a river that connects life and the afterlife. It's a mist-shrouded river that dead souls must cross to reach, where they will await judgment. The river is called the Sanzu River or the River of Three Paths."

"I think you should not hate your name. There must be a reason why your parents named you Sanzu."

"I'm not loved by my father. My mother died while giving birth to me. We're rich and my father can get what I want, but I wish there was a time when my father would just be a father,"

"Well enough about me. Why are you still here Gol-san?"

"I don't want to go yet,"

"I see..." I said while sweat-dropping.

"It's because I still want to see the world,"

"You know Sanzu, that power of can help wandering souls to get to the other side," he continued. 


"There's a lot of spirits or ghosts that want to cross but don't know where the place is and then they get lost. That's why I said that you can help wandering souls to get to the other side,"

"That's too much work though," I replied. He chuckled at me.

"Yeah...But at least you saved some of them from their misery of finding it right?"

Thinking more about it. I then thought of the pros and cons of doing it.

"Sure, let's do that. I don't have anything to do anyway but, you come with me Gol-san," I looked at him and smiled.

"HAHAHAHAHA I guess I'm going through another adventure even if I'm dead. And call me Roger, Sanzu."

I guess this is my new life now. But in the back of my mind, I somewhat want to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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