2| 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐬

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I open my eyes in the still dark night. I am awake. It feels strange to be able to be awake at night without being a mafia. But maybe I can find out who the mafias are.

I look around and ... see Lee Yoonseo. Awake. She should be asleep. Why is she awake?

"Please don't tell me you're..." Panic wells up inside me. This can't be happening.

She swallows. Her lips twitch and her eyes fill with tears. "I don't want this, Junhee," she whispers, "but at least we're on the same team..."

No. No, we're not. Darn it! Why her?

I help her stand up and quickly hide in a room so we can talk undisturbed.

"You're not a mafia," I mumble. I just don't want to believe it. "Tell me you're not a fucking mafia!" Desperation brings tears to my eyes again.

"Junhee, I'm so sorry..." Then she breaks down. Her sobs tear my heart apart. Only now do I realize how I yelled at her. What can she do about the occupation she has been assigned?

I kneel down on the floor and take her hand. "Okay, we'll manage. We'll manage somehow. I'm sure there's a way, even if we're on different teams."

She looks at me with reddened eyes. "You... you're a civilian?" Her breathing is shallow and her hands are shaking even more than before. "Then why are you awake, I... I don't understand..."

"No, I'm not, I'm..." I don't know if it's a wise idea to tell her my occupation. No, I trust her. Yoonseo has my back as much as I have hers. "I'm a soulchaser. It's a strange occupation."

"That's one of the new occupations," says Yoonseo, her voice still brittle.

"And in the civilian team..." I say dejectedly. Why does something like this happen?

"Are you going to vote for me?" she suddenly asks out of nowhere.

Startled, I take a few steps back. "W-why would you say that?" I must be shocked, because she comes up to me and hugs me. "I already told you I wasn't going to do that anyway. It doesn't matter that you're a mafia."

"Thank you..." She looks at me warily as her cell phone picks one up. She looks at it and her expression turns sad again. "I have to go to the meeting with the mafias. Please don't do anything risky until then, I'll meet you back here at 6 a.m." She looks at me apologetically and then leaves the room.

"I'm sorry, Yoonseo, but I can't do you that favor," I whisper to the empty room.


When I step into the foyer, I see Mina's body lying on the floor, as well as Jungwon's. It's terrible. That something like this has happened to them and also that I'm just walking past them at this moment. How can it be that deaths touch you less and less the more you see them? That's cruel.

Nevertheless I have to find out where the mafia meeting is now. I have to protect Yoonseo, but not the other mafias. If I get the opportunity to expose them, I will. They wouldn't act any differently the other way around.

I could imagine them holding their meeting in a very secluded room, especially as they don't know the new roles.

But that's harder than I thought, since this building has a lot of rooms like that. Damn, if only I had access to the mafia chat... I should have asked Yoonseo about it, regardless of whether she'd be worried.

But suddenly I hear voices. They're very quiet and unintelligible, but I can hear them. The mafias.

Apparently they're just standing in the hallway. Seriously? And I thought they were hiding somewhere... They probably feel safe in the dark cloak of night.

I slowly walk closer, taking care not to be seen or heard. But then I'm startled when one of them turns in my direction and I stumble, so they must have heard me.

I quickly jump to the side behind a wall. "Darn it!" That shouldn't have happened. If they see me, they'll kill me.

I have to get out of here. Now! The footsteps are already far too close. If I just run now, they'll see me, but maybe I'll have a chance of them not recognizing me...

So I grit my teeth and run out of my hiding place, along the corridors, down the stairs, back into the foyer and into the room I was in with Yoonseo. I slam the door straight shut and barricade it with a table from which things fall and against which I lean.

There's a knock. Louder and louder. I have the feeling that the door will burst into pieces at any moment. I desperately try to hold it shut.

"Open up, asshole!" I hear from outside. That voice... Who on earth is it? I can't concentrate, my thoughts are drifting off too quickly. I have to think about it tomorrow, I can't right now. I have to get out of here alive somehow.

I look around the room. Is there anything here that I could use? The door breaks. The wood splinters. My heart is racing.

The scissors that have fallen off the table.

I reach for it as the door finally gives way.

Go Kyungjun, he's a mafia. He's alone. I could kill him.

I point the scissors at him.

"Junhee," he says somberly. "What are you doing here, why are you awake but apparently not a mafia?" He doesn't seem to care about the scissors in my hand.

I take a few steps towards him to make my threat clearer. "You're going to kill me with these?" He laughs. The asshole laughs.

"Shall we try?" I ask him and let him feel the seriousness of my statement by ramming the scissors into his arm at lightning speed.

His eyes widen in shock and he doubles over in pain. "You'll regret that, Junhee."

I run. Was that a mistake? Maybe it was. Very probably. He'll get everyone to vote for me. I'm going to die. Unless...

I get everyone to vote him out.

Sunbeams blind me as I walk through the corridors. The melody starts to play. The night is over.

"Day has come."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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