wall amrk shits lol

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Um so like listen listen

When Walter and mark got divorced mark got emo depressed and left to another elevator but he was happy there so um yehahhhhh. Mark also works as a business guy for Big.C (ref?!) So when mark left wallter got emo depressed too so he ummm ||SHed|| (idk how but like i guess he has a saw laying around) After a week split and bive got together so wallter got guilty and got even more emo depressed 😔. He got really (ykyk) thoughts and tried to ykyk. (Lampert is um with wallter but like ummm staying at infected house bc his hosue is shit lol) So anyways like ummm the regretevator was gonna visit another elevator so ayyayaayyyyy. So ummm fun fact that elevator was the elevator mark was in so hehe. (les call it the N.E) So when he got on Ne like uhhh he saw mark and he was shy so he kinda turned to the corner. Mark looked at him and ermmmm kinda remembered him but kinda not so uhh he went up to him and said hi and ask of everything was ok and wallter didn't respond bc he felt guilty so mark was worried but then he remembered him so he was like ok ummm i think he's like uh hates me rn so i guess i'll go away so mark went back talking to his friends. so umm wallter kinda cried and stuff so um weh his friends felt mark was like yo dude you fine??? Wallter still didn't respond sosososoos mark was like DUDE LIKE UMMM JUST TALK BRICK BOY?!?!??!? (wallter is very ummmm.... not great. YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE HIS FLOOR BRO...) Then wallter had a breakdown and mark was like ... ummm.... (me when comforting) you need a tissue..? Then umm mark decide to stay at his house 4 a while bc wallter.. then mark saw how FILTHY his house was so like uhhh he cleaned and shit (threw away all the wet cement also) Wallter has uhh many more breakdowns so yeah lol. tmr mark left and wallter was kinda less emo depressed so yayyyy!!. wallter look a walk down teh road then he got hit by a car/hj.  soo ummm that's all i could think abt so ermmm i gonna thinks abt this at night so tmr u guys will get an update

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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