The Beach ☼☽

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                                   ✧・゚:* *:・゚✧Chapter Two ✧・゚:* *:・゚✧
                                    Y/h/c = Your hair color 

The next day was Saturday and Ali invited me to go to a beach with her and some of her other friends. I get to the beach wearing my bathing suit and a pair of jean shorts over my bathing suit and Ali looks at me and smiles

"Hey Mariah, you made it!" I sat next to her and we all talked and some music was playing on the radio and I was surprised to see Daniel from afar playing soccer with some of his friends. I smile and look at him and when he notices me from afar I wave making him smirk and wave back

While I was looking at Daniel Ali looked at me with an annoyed look, but honestly I did not care shes not gonna stop me from hanging out with Daniel, I don't know why she has such a problem with it but whatever it was it is not stopping me

The boys then start kicking the soccer ball close to us and it rolls right next to me "Hey can I have the ball?" Daniel asks with a smile as I toss him the ball as he starts doing keep ups "Hey your pretty good!" I say with a small laugh making Daniel smirk and the other guys roll their eyes 

"Show off" The mumble as all the girls go to the shallow end of the ocean and I go with them. Later that night the sun was already set and we had a bonfire set up and I was sitting with the girls as the boys roasted marshmallows and hot dogs

Daniel's POV: I was roasting my hot dog trying not to look at Mariah too long Freddy then notices this and nudges me "Hey Danny, hey Danny" I look up 

"What?" He smirks and points to Mariah "I think the Y/h/c is looking at you" I laugh and roll my eyes

"Yeah right" I say as I stand up "I'm being serious, I think shes got the hots for you man" I look over at Mariah laughing with her friends, man was she beautiful "Yeah, who could blame her right Freddy?" I say still staring right at her

"Then why don't you go make a move, huh?" I look at Freddy "No, I'm eating, man" He rolls his eyes "How the hell could you think about eating? She's clearly into you" I roll my eyes "I told you I'm eating" 

Another guy laughs "Maybe they ain't got no moves where he comes from" He says laughing "No no, I got moves where I come from. We may even have more moves" Freddy smirks "Oh yeah? We'll see" 

He kicks the soccer ball to where Mariah was sitting"Come on buddy, go get her" I sigh "Alright, alright I'm going" I then walk over to where Mariah was

Mariah's POV: I was a bit confused as to why Freddy just kicked the ball to where I am but then Daniel comes over and I walk to him holding the ball "You lose something?" I say with a soft laugh and he chuckles "Yeah, Sorry I hope we're not bothering you" I shake my head "No your good"

I then try to think of a conversation "Hey, how do you do those keep ups?" he smiles and takes the ball "Oh it's real easy, I mean I start with me knee and then you just go, one, two" he says doing the keep ups, I gotta admit it looked hot 

"Here you try" He says handing me the ball as I try to do one "Hey! There ya go your getting somewhere" We then hear some noise from afar and turn to see Johnny Lawrence and his Cobra Kai's riding their motorcycles, We just try to ignore them as Daniel continues to teach me

Johnnys POV: "Hey check that out" One of my friends say pointing to afar and I take a closer look to see its Daniel and Mariah doing keeps ups and he falls on her and they both laugh making my blood boil. "Hey Johnny man, forget it. Just looks like shes not that into you" I roll my eyes

"Hey I thought they liked each other" One of the guys said and Bobby shook his head "Nah, He talked to her once. he was into her she wasn't into him" 

Daniel's POV: I see the Cobra Kai's coming closer to me and Mariah and I roll my eyes "Come on..." I mumble as Johnny gets off his bike and goes to Mariah "Hey Mariah, I wanna talk to you" He says grabbing her arm "Just leave me alone Johnny, please" She says not wanting to deal with his shit either

"Look Lawrence, why don't you take your Cobra Kai's and just get out of here!" She yells, she was always telling me how he always tries to hit on her and how hes a weirdo. 

Johnny then smirks trying to put his arm around her "Don't touch me" She says through her teeth

Johnny just smirks and does not care like the bastard he is "Come on doll just chill out" She then pushes him off "Get off me!" He laughs "Fiery huh?" he says trying to wrap his arms around her. I had enough of just standing here and watching it play out

I then pull her away from Johnny "Hey get lost, LaRusso" I don't listen and just try to pull her away as johnny gives me a glare "Are you deaf?" I roll my eyes 

"What's going on? Get your hands off her!" Johnny then pushes me to the ground

I try to get up to get Mariah but the other Cobra Kai's grab her so she wont run off "Come on Daniel" Freddy says to me as the other guys try to help me up. I try to punch Johnny but he trips me making me land on my stomach 

"Johnny! Just stop will you!?" I can hear Mariah yell. I get up and Johnny then kicks me in  the lower stomach making me fall and groan in pain as I hit the ground. 

Mariah's POV: I try to get out of the boys grasps and feel terrible to just let Daniel lay there in pain and Johnny then turns to me "Look you started this! All I wanted to do was talk to you!" I don't wanna talk to bastards, you're a pig!" I say pissed off

Daniel then gets up and tries to fight Johnny again and he ends up punching him in the nose and tries to hit him again before Johnny kicks him in the stomach and hits him in the face.  I then push the boys away from me and go to Johnny 

"Why do you gotta do this all the time huh?! You always think you're a tough guy?" He tries to get closer but I just push him away "Come on Mariah-" He says as I cut him off 

"Don't you come on Mariah me Johnny" I slap him across the face and he scoffs rubbing where I hit him

Johnny rolls his eyes as him and the Cobra Kai's get on their bikes and ride off and I rush to Daniel who is groaning in pain while on the ground and I put my hand on his back 

"Daniel are you okay?.." I say softly as the guys laugh behind him "You sure pick cool people to be friends with, Freddy"

"Yeah, I'm alright" I help him up and Ali comes over to me "Come on Mariah, lets get going" She says and I look at her "It's okay Ali, you guys go I am gonna stay here" She rolls her eyes "Come on he probably does not even want your help anyways, just come" 

I roll my eyes "Just go" She then scoffs and leaves with the rest of the girls and I sigh and look at Daniel "I appreciate you helping me"I say "It's fine Mariah i-it ain't your f-fault.." He says "Listen you gotta get home" He nods

 "I will help you get home, your not in the best state to be walking home yourself" I say as we start walking and he smiles "Thanks I appreciate this, but I don't wanna let you walk home alone. It's late at night" 

I look at him as we continue walking "it's okay, really I love about 5 minuets away from your apartment " he nods and we get to his apartment "thanks for helping me home Mariah" I smile "it's no problem, hope you get better soon and see you Monday?"

He nods "See ya Monday" I wave before walking across the street to go back to my house...

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