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Siya's POV~

Soon as I reached back to my apartment, I was bombarded with Vinnie's questions.

'Why was he here?'

'What's going on between you two?'

'Did you sleep with him?'

'Did you go out with him yesterday?'

"Stop it Vinnie" I burst out.

"I'm sorry for the out burst but ask what ever you want one by one. Don't ask me all the questions at once." I say clamly.

"Why was he here?"

"I invited him over"

"Did you sleep with him?"

"If you're talking about just sleep, then yes we cuddled and slept together and if you're talking about sex then no we didn't have sex" I clarify

"Did you both go out yesterday?"

"Yes we did go for a movie then dinner."

"Are you both a thing?"

"Yes we are"

"OH. MY. GOD GURLLLLL SPILL THE TEA!!!" she squealed

I tell her the whole thing from movie to the car to the dinner and to the house.

"OH MY GOD that's awesome. I'm SO happy for you" She exclaimed

"Thanks Vinnie" I hugged her

I look at the time it was 12 pm


I have a flight at 6:45 pm and I need to reach the airport at least by 4:30 pm because of all the checks I need to run on the aircraft. 

I rush to the bathroom and take a relaxing shower because I know for the whole upcoming week I will not have enough time for myself.

I get out of the shower and do my after shower routine and wear my perfectly ironed uniform and do my makeup. My makeup is simple and elegant. I tie my hair into a low pony tail. GORGEOUS. I've always loved the way I looked in my pilot uniform. It revealed my true self.

I glance at the time and it was 3:00 pm. I take my luggage which I already keep ready because this job can call you anytime. I walk out of my room and call for Vinnie. Even she has to operate a flight so we decided to go to the airport together.

"Gorgeous as always" She says looking at me from head to toe.

"You too" I say smiling.

"Lets go" she says


Soon as I reached the airport I was called for the briefing room to meet the crew I'll be operating the flight with.

I say my good byes to Vinnie and go to the briefing room. I was flabbergasted to see Anirudh Pathak there. I sigh knowing that it's gonna be a long flight.

Anirudh is one of my ex boyfriend. We dated for a couple of weeks or something and then I caught him cheating on me with some random worthless chick. Honestly I'm happy that I caught him cheating on me because he was a total asshole. You know the guys who try to be cool but they make complete fools out of themselves. Anirudh was one of the kind.

Yes, I dated after me and Veer broke up but deep down I knew that the only guy I loved will always be Veer. It will always be Veer.

And to be honest, just to get Veer out of my head I dated Anirudh. I know I sound selfish but I can't run away from the truth. But there's no point of thinking about it or feeling guilty about it because Anirudh didn't deserve it.

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