𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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"This is good. This is really good." Benjamin compliments the song I wrote. "Have you thought about the music it'll go to?" He asks, "I was thinking guitar, but acoustic guitar. Not electric." I explain, "have you wrote any songs to go with it?" He asks, "are you wanting an album or a single?" "I've wrote two other songs, but that's it. I have the lyrics in the bag, if you want to see?" I explain. "Of course" he says, I get the paper, which has the lyrics on and hands him then.

My leg bounces up and down, waiting for his response to my other songs, I had never shared my lyrics with anyone, so this is a first, and he's a professional. "Holy shit! Annette these are gold!" He compliments, "really? Thank you!" I squeal, "well, I'll get someone to play the guitar, we can make the album, and put it the music stores, I can get it the on the front pages of newspaper, before you know it you'll be the talk of the country" he boasts. I was so excited, no matter how many times I find myself talking to Benjamin it still feels fake.

Me and Doc go to all music stores all over the city, placing my albums in all the stores, it was official I was a singer.


"Where the fuck is he?" I groan, complaining about Tommy, being late to rehearsals. "I got it!" Tommy yells, running into the room, holding something in his hand. "Got what?" Vince asks, "Annette's new album" He yells, placing the vinyl in the vinyl player, I roll my eyes.

The music starts playing, after about 10 seconds Annette's voice comes in, I forgot how good she is.

'I'm rememberin' I promised to forget you now.
But it's rainin' and I'm callin' drunk
And my medicine is drownin' your perspective out
So I ain't takin' any fault'

'I ain't proud of all the punches that I've thrown
In the name of someone I no longer know
For the shame of being young, drunk, and alone
Traffic lights and a transmitter radio
I don't like that, when they threw me in the car
I gave your name as my emergency phone call
Honey, it rang and rang, even the cops thought you were wrong for hangin' up
I dial drunk, I'll die a drunk, I die for you'

Am I mad? Surely that's about me. 'I ain't proud of all the punches that I've thrown, in the name of someone I no longer know." She fought many, many people because of me. Does she think she doesn't know me any more? Is that even about me? Surely it is, fuck. The next song starts to play,

'I would leave if only I could find a reason
I'm mean because I grew up in New England
I got dreams but I can't make myself believe in
Spendin' the rest of my life with what could've been
And I will die in the house that I've grew up in
I'm homesick.'

How is she homesick? She lives at her home now, did she class my old apartment, where she lived with me, as her home? Does she miss me? Well does she miss not being home? Well at my apartment home. What? I'm confused. But also, she sounds amazing, fuck I forgot how good she sounds, Vanity tried to become a backup singer for Mötley like Annette did, but fuck, she sounds like shit, well no. She can sing, she isn't bad, but she's nothing like Annette, Annette is much better than Vanity. The next, and final, song starts to play.

'So I thought that if I piled something good on all my bad
That I could cancel out the darkness I inherited from dad
No, I am no longer funny 'cause I miss the way you laugh
You once called me 'forever' now you still can't call me back.'

I forgot about her dad, shit! I've left her to live with her dad! And the way she's singing in these songs, do these imply she misses me? Should I go see her. Should I apologies in person? Fuck.

"Holy shit! She's amazing! But these are all quite sad, like she misses someone" Tommy says, "like she's heartbroken. Like someone fucked up." His voices raised and he stares at me. "I know I fucked up jeez!" I raises my voice to match his, as I stand up. "So go and do something about it." Mick joins in. "What should I go see her?" I ask, "Yes" they all yell, I practically run to my car. I pull up to her dad's house, and get out the car and run over to the front door, I knock on the door, and ring the doorbell. I hear footsteps, the unlocking of the door, and the door opens.

"Hi.." I mutter. "What do you want!?" I hear her say clearly agitated, "to talk." "I'll pass." She states, going to close the door, "Annette please, five minutes, that is all I ask" I plead, "fine" she says, opening the door, allowing me to walk inside.

We both sit in the living room, sitting opposite each other, "so, speak" she orders. "Shit where to start" I mumble. "First of I love the songs, but if they are about me, which I'm not sure if they are or not. But what your saying in them, it they are about me, I didn't know I hurt you so bad, Annette. And I'm sorry for leaving you here, with your dad, I know what he's like. And I am so so so sorry, I didn't even know what was happening Annette. Before I knew it she was down there and I couldn't stop it, I couldn't move, I don't know if it was the booze or the drugs, but I felt frozen. And I know they aren't excuses but I am sorry." I rant as a single tear drop falls down my face. "It's okay." She mumbles, "it is? You can trust me again?" I ask, shocked. "I can try." She replies, before she stands up which I follow, and she hugs me. She pulls away from the hug and steps away, my eye brows scrunch in confusion, "Vanity" she explains, "right" I mumble

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