Chapter 1

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"Eomma!" Dae-soo pushed the door open and kicked her shoes off, placing them neatly in a row with the other shoes. "Have you seen Minho?" Walking into the living room she glanced at her phonescreen. No new notifications.

"No darling. Wasn't he at the shop?"

Dae-soo walked inside the kitchen and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek before pulling herself up the counter, causing her mother to scoff teasingly. "He was, but he left way too early and in a big hurry." It was nothing like her brother to leave his work early, especially without informing anyone. Thoughts of possible reasons had been dancing through Dae-Soo's head ever since. "Do you think he is seeing someone?"

"Oh, Dae!" Her mother chuckled. "Even if he was, he'll tell us eventually. Now, get off the counter before your father gets home. Help me make dinner." She nodded towards the assortment of meat and vegetables.

Letting out a sigh Dae-Soo slid down and took her place next to her mother and took a knife in hand. While she would never say it out loud for fear of being hit, cooking with her mother always stressed Dae-Soo out. The whole kitchen would look like a battlefield and if she did even the slightest thing different than was expected, her mother would yell. Im Sang-Hee was an impressive woman in the kitchen. When Dae-Soo was younger her mother had more patience with teaching her, now a days she would explain something once and if Dae-Soo didn't pick it up she would learn the hard way. Which was the best way for Dae-Soo to learn, even if she didn't enjoy the process.

While cutting the vegetables her mind wondered off as it often did. It went back to the previous night when she was writing a rough outline for a beat. She had just polished off new lyrics and was now on to the music. Playing with different settings and instruments in her mind Dae-Soo focus shifted from chopping.


"Oh!" Putting the knife down her hands went to the back of her head. "Eomma!"

Her mother was waving the ladle at her threateningly. "How many times must I tell you to stay on earth while cooking?" Turning her attention back to the rice she shook her head. "I count down the days until you burn down a kitchen."

Eyes widening Dae-Soo felt her cheeks heating up. "Eomma!"

"Eh?" Her mother tilted her head slightly to look at her. "You will. If I didn't wack you, you would've sliced your fingers off just now."

Turning her own attention back to the vegetables she mumbled under her breath.

Tsak. "Speak up when you talk."

"Mh, Eung. Eomma."

"What do I hear?" The sound of a door opening and closing reached the pair in the kitchen and after some scuffling Im Minho entered the home with a smile. "Is Dae-Soo burning something down?"

"Oppa!" Squinting her eyes Dae-Soo crossed her arms. "Why am I even doing this anymore? You always bully me!"

Her mother patted her arm. "Come now, you know we love you."

"Mh! So much we don't want you to poison someone and end up in jail." Her brother said with a laugh.

Grabbing the knife Dae-Soo ran out of the kitchen towards her brother. "Ah! I'll kill you then!" She chased her brother around the living room with the knife as he continued to tease her about her cooking skills. Their mother raised a hand to hid her laughter as the house was filled with sounds of bantering siblings.

Her brother laughed even louder as he ran and hid behind their mother. Sang-Hee stopped her daughter and took the knife out of her hand. "Careful, I dont think you'd want to stab your Eomma's eye out." She said trying to repress her joy.

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