Chapter 2

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Letting the bathroom door fall closed Dae-Soo shrugged off her vest. Walking over to the shower she turned the knob to let the water warm up. Then she started shedding off her clothes. All the sweat and oil was making her shirt stick to her skin and it made her feel even more gross than she actually was. Her hands reached up to remove her ponytail and in the mirror she could see the strands of black fall down until they tickled her lowerback.
Dae-Soo reached over and picked up her phone to scroll through her playlist until she found the right one. As the music filled the room Dae-Soo stepped under the spray of hot water.
As she sang along to the music, her mind transported her to a stage where she, with back-up dancers, preformed a concert of her own. Looking like a true idol with her hair and make-up done by a team of stylists, wearing a fantastic outfit styled by her and her team she stood on the stage. She felt the emotions as she imagined the sold out venue cheering her on and singing along to her songs. She pictured travelling around on tour, writing lyrics as she was driven around, staring out the window. The different countries she would visit and fans she would meet. Her family coming to her show and the interviews and talkshows she would be on.
Dae-Soo planned out her life as she cleaned her body. Well, until her brother knocked on the door screaming that there were more people who needed to use the shower.

"I swear to god!" Minho yelled through the closed door. "If you've used up all the warm water again I will drown you in your sleep!"

"Mh!" Dae-Soo yelled back after turning the water off. "I'd rethink that if you want a ride to work tomorrow!"

"I'd ask Eomma!" His voice sounded a little more distant and soon the footsteps on the stairs told Dae-Soo he was leaving.

Grumbling Dae-Soo stepped out of the shower, the cold air hitting her body made she shiver and she quickly reached over to grab her towel. Quickly drying off and getting dressed into sweatpants and loose shirt. Wrapping her hair in a towel she fastened it by tucking the end in on the back. She threw her dirty clothes in the hamper and made her way to her bedroom where she promptly fell on her bed. Her phone still played the familiar voices of BTS as Dae-Soo closed her eyes and her mind drifted back to her fantasy, picking up from her pretend interview. Just as Jimmy Fallon was about to ask her about her inspiration for her songs, Dae-Soo's phone went off.


With her eyes still closed the girl moved her hand and fumbled around until she found her phone. Still grumbling she brought it close and looked at the screen.

1 new notification.


Hey DaeDae!
How have you been?

He responded. It took Dae-Soo a bit to catch up to reality as she watched the 3 bubbles bounce, indicating he was still typing, before her nerves hit her all over again. And they hit hard. With a heart pounding so hard she felt it in her head and hands so clammy they felt frozen she started typing back


I'm okay! Been busy at the garage!
Went to your moms too! She says hi and you need to call her soon

Will do will do
It's been insane over here
Might need to you kidnap me for a minivacation

And get killed by 1000 fangirls? No way Joon

You don't love me. I know how it is

Shut up

Yeah yeah
I'll release you from your anxiety now
The song is really good. You could feel the emotions in your voice
Had a few things, did some editing and I've emailed it to you
You don't have to keep them, but you know

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