Chapter 3

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"Just shut up"

Valeria's pov

We just had been shopping for a while together and I'm exhausted.

" are we done soon I'm exhausted"  I said sighing.

" well maybe me and hojlund could eat dinner alone tonight please?" Sofia whispered in my ear.

" you're leaving me alone with him?" I whispered to her looking at garnacho as she laughed.

" it I'll be fine you can get to know each other's better" she smiled.

" ughhh fine just because I'm nice to you and Rasmus" I said as she giggled.

" thank you so much val" she said happily giving me a big hug.

" Rasmus, we need to go we to will eat lunch together" she said.

" what about the others?" He asked walking to her.

" they will be okay" she smiled while  showed thumbs up.

" well I guess it's fine then" he said as she smiled and they kissed.

" how lovely dovley" garnacho's came behind whispering in my ear. I chuckled.

" we're stuck together on a shopping centre" I said as he laughed at me.

" I'm not that bad" he crossed his arms at me as I giggled.

" no you're not but I still don't know you that well to se you're different sides" I said looking at him.
" trust me I'm a nice one"

" yeah yeah of course" we laughed.

" well good bye" Rasmus said as they both waved and left hand in hand.

" well can we please go get food I'm starving" I almost begged him.

" of course val" he said chuckling as we walked to an restaurant.

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Awh dinner date🥰

I'm hungry and we're just getting to know each others can you just stop it's Annoying

Tough love ~ Alejandro GarnachoWhere stories live. Discover now