Chapter 13

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                  " your sick just rest"

Valeria's pov

I woke again in garnacho's bed and not mine, and he was lying next to me sleeping. I felt my head still aching and i think I got fever cause my cheeks were heating up.

" where are you going?" Garnacho said yawing as I tried to go.

" I'm feeling ill I need some water" I said and got up from the bed. But immediately fell down.

" you okay val?" He said confused at me and I got up again.

" yeah just a little... Ill?" I said shaking my head walking out off the room.

I walked to the kitchen to get myself some water. I drank my water and sat down on the floor resting my head.

" Valeria you don't look really okay" garnacho said as he came down and saw me resting on the floor. He just wore sweat pants and no shirt as usual.

" I'm fine I just need some rest"

" well come here we will get you too the couch" he took his arm out too me.

" I can't walk it's hurting my head" i said immediately falling over on garnacho.

" you're head hurts by walking?" He said confused and I nodded.

" I'll carry you" he took me in his arms and laid me down on the couch and put a carpet over me. He put a pillow under my head resting my head.

" well now you tell me what's wrong" he said and sat next to me playing with my hair.

" I don't know, my head is still aching and I'm really warm I might got fever"  he put his arm on my forehead checking.

" you can't use your arm to find out the temp, my mom learned me to use the lips" I said and he nodded.

" okay I'll use my lips" he chuckled and kissed my forehead.

" ohgosh your warm" he said and I sighed.

" great, I'm sick now I can't do anything for the day other then rest."

" it's gonna be fine I'll be with you, just not when I got training" he said and kissed my cheek.

" when is training?"

" traing starts at 2 and I'm done around 4" he said.

" okay, I'll just lay here the whole day" I sighed again.

" your a little dramatic when your sick" garnacho laughed and kissed my head.

" pfft I'm not"

" say what you want, I'll make us some breakfast, take the remote and watch some tv while." He stood up and threw the remote to me and i catched it.

" okay, thank you" I smiled as he walked into the kitchen.

I turned on vampire diaries and watched some episodes.

" i got you eggs and bacon" garnacho came in smiling with our food.

" yummy" I smiled and he sat down next to me and came under the carpet with me.

" thank you ale" I smiled and he smiled back. He leaned in for a kiss but I stopped him.

" what?" He said confused.

" I don't want you to get sick"

" I don't care I need a kiss" he said and I chuckled and kissed him on the lips. He had his arm on my chin lifting my head to kiss him more.

Tough love ~ Alejandro GarnachoWhere stories live. Discover now