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Extreme mature themes ahead (smut warning)

6 weeks until open.

Maia helped out a lot more in the restaurant. The blog she posted about the restaurant she went to a week ago was enough to cover for the rest of the month.

Who knew all she had to do was follow the trends...

Maia stood by Carmys side as the inspectors came to check on the restaurant. They would end up failing, which Maia would have to calm Carmy down and tell Sydney.

Maia eventually wanted to tell Carmy about her job. That she was a food blogger, that he most likely has heard of. Even though he doesn't like to admit it, but he loves to read food reviews.

Curiosity gets the best of him sometimes. Maia didn't know how he would react if he ever found out the truth. She was scared it would mess up what they had. She didn't want to lose him, and he didn't want to lose her.

There was something unspoken about their relationship, everyone now including them felt they were dating. Maia finally accepted that she didn't need the official label. It was already blustered on them without even saying anything.

Her ex boyfriend even stopped texting her after finding out she had a boyfriend and meeting him. She felt genuinely happy with Carmy.

Carmy planned on inviting Maia over for a nice dinner, watch a movie and see where the night goes from there. He was hesitant though, this day was going to be different than the rest.

He wanted to get his mind off the fire suppression test. He didn't want to fail it again, not when they were so close to opening already. He knew Maia would be able to help cheer him up. She always made him feel better without even trying.

Maia walked past Carmy with a smile. It was now or never for him.

"Hey Maia.. wait."

Maia turns around to look at Carmy with a concerned expression.

"What's wrong Carm? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah.. I'm fine. I just, was wondering if you wanted to.. uh come over tonight..."

"Yeah of course, I'll come at the usual time." Maia smiles and turns to walk away and Carmy grabs her hand to spin her around and puts his arm around her waist.

"Oh, hi." Maia says awkwardly as she looks up at him.

He smirks at her.


"Maybe you could come a little earlier... I want to do something special for you."

Maia nods her head and smiles, he pulls her in for a kiss. They pull away and Maia sighs.

"What do you have in mind?"

"You'll see princess."

Maia nods her head.

"I guess I'll see you tonight then."

"Can't wait."

They lean in to kiss one last time, and Maia grabs her keys to leave for the day.

"Hey Syd. I need your opinion real quick." Carmy walks over to her as Maia leaves.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Is, is Maia my girlfriend?"

"Are you seriously asking that right now?"

"What, what should I be asking?"

"I don't know maybe about the fucking menu?"

"Oh, right, right sorry. I just... I'm not sure what we are. But yeah, you're totally right. I should be focused on the restaurant not."

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