3 silly words

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WARNING ! ⚠️all acts in the contents of this book are carried out by people with full consent. There is no abuse or non-consensual acts in this story. ⚠️

Maverick, a man known for his cold demeanor, had never experienced love in his life. Even his own family had failed to show him affection. everything changed when he met Luna, a vibrant and kind-hearted woman who managed to break through his icy exterior. He doesn't know how to feel because he doesn't want to seem weak.

Mavericks pov,
I laid down next to Luna shocked at the words I said. It just seemed like the right thing to say. I don't even know if I meant it. It doesn't matter whether or not I meant it because she didn't hear.

We had been together for a while now, and I was scared I was falling deeply in love with her. I can't be seen as vulnerable or expose my weaknesses. I turn my head over and glance at Luna, who appeared to be sound asleep.

Fuck she's beautiful.

I put my arm around her, holding and cuddling her. Reminding myself that she's mine. her delicate features illuminated by the soft moonlight that filtered through the curtains.

I couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty, which reminded me of a doll the first day I laid eyes in her.

Her flawless skin, rosy cheeks, and long lashes made her look like a living work of art. My favourite feature of hers are her big brown doll-like doe eyes, you can see the innocence when you look into them.

I wish she would open them now, so I could admire them. But she's so cute when she's sleeping I don't care.

I cherished her like a precious treasure, wanting to protect her from the world and keep her safe in my arms.

I know Hudson and the guys were joking at lunch about her but it pissed me the fuck off. I shouldn't have punished her then, I should've beat the fuck out of Hudson but instead I took my anger out on her.

I mean on the bright side it'll teach her to be more obedient but she already is such a good girl. Compared to my subs in the past I've been going incredibly easy on her, she is different from the rest of them. She's so delicate that I never want to truly hurt her. That doesn't mean she gets a free pass tho, she needs to learn who she belongs to and act like it.

I imagine what it would be like if we were dating, she's definitely is someone I'd want to be my girlfriend. Anyone would be drawn to her warmheartedness and beauty, and I can't deny the strong connection we have.

What am I thinking?

Her kindness would make me weak. opening up to her would make me vulnerable and compromise my own strength. She would probably take advantage of my caring-ness if I showed any affection to her whatsoever. The thought of that angers me and I let go of her and turn facing away from her. I'm left wishing that I never said those three stupid fucking words.

Lunas pov,
I was pretending to sleep, with my eyes closed. However my ears were wide open capturing every word. I wanted to say something, anything.

I opened my mouth but words couldn't escape it.

Maverick laid down beside me like normal and cuddled me a bit, until he dozed off.

However me, My heart was still racing as I tried to comprehend the weight of those three words. At first, I try to brush it off, thinking it's just a simple slip of the tongue. But as the night goes on, those words keep replaying in my mind

I. Love. You. I. Love. You. I. Love. You.

I love you.

Why was he saying this now?

I wasn't even sure if I liked him yet, and I doubt he did either, let alone love.

I find myself lying awake, wondering if there's more to it. Could he actually love me?

It's like a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, swirling around in my head.

I start analyzing every interaction, searching for signs that his words hold true meaning. I settled on the idea that it was just 3 words, tho it wasn't just three words deep down I knew. Those silly little words that kept repeating in my mind, kept me up all night. it's not just about the words themselves, but the meaning behind them. They have great power compared to any other words. And maybe, just maybe, those accidental words hold the key to a love that is true.

Eventually the night slowly faded away and it blurred into morning. for once I'm awake before maverick. Normally I would dread the sun coming up since I hate mornings but instead I see it as a chance to break free from the grip of overthinking.

The extremely loud alarm clock goes off and I turn over to see that it's 4 am. Has there always been an alarm clock that goes off every morning? Do I really sleep through that everyday? I feel Maverick sitting upwards turning off the alarm clock, the routine starts of him trying to wake me up so in order for that to happen I need to pretend to be asleep. I close my eyes and wait for him to wake me so the day can start.

He starts shaking me a little. "wake up" he says coldly.

Damn who pissed in his coffee.

Normally he wakes me up nicer than that. I'm wide awake so I don't protest to wake up, it also wouldn't help to be bratty since he seems to be in a bad mood.

"Alright" I say pretending to sound tired.

I whip the blankets off me and I fake a yawn out. Then I get up to get ready. I can walk normal for the most part since my wounds have healed in the past day. As usual I go to the washroom. I grab my toothbrush and squeeze just the right amount of toothpaste onto its bristles. As I brushes my teeth, i can't help but remember Maverick's lips forming those 3 silly words, words he probably didn't give a second thought to while I am still thinking about it hours later.

Once I fully finish brushing my teeth I wash my hands, so I can do my skincare, well not so much skincare since I keep forgetting to ask maverick to get some products for me. I go to the sink and lather my hands with soap. As I scrub my hands together thoroughly cleaning them, I can't help but still think about the three silly words. I wash my face still without a cleanser, which reminds me of my stupidity since I forgot to ask him yesterday. I rinse my mouth with mouthwash which I don't normally do but I really hope Maverick kisses me so I need to prepare. Then I apply my sol de Janeiro cream onto my hands and put on deodorant.

Quickly I walk over to the closet to change into my gym clothes. I pick some sweatpants and a fitted tight Lululemon shirt, making sure it is tight enough to show off my upper curves because yesterday maverick got mad that I wore a baggy shirt.

I pull my hair up into a pony tail and spray some perfume on myself. I look in the full body mirror and question of how I look is good enough.

I don't want to look like I put in no effort on my appearance since that could seem disrespectful.

Maybe I should put leggings on instead of sweatpants since I've been working on my glutes a lot I might as well show them off.

I change into leggings then look in the mirror again. I think my looks improved but somethings missing.

I think I should put makeup on, I mean I do everyday for school but for the gym it just seems pointless since I would sweat it off anyway.

Things are different today though I have more of a desire to impress maverick with my looks. As I walk over to the bathroom so I can use the mirror to apply my makeup Maverick stops me midway.

"What the fuck is taking you so long to get ready?"

why is he in such a bad mood today?

You know what fuck the whole makeup thing he doesn't deserve my effort.

It takes everything in me not to snap back at him but I know it'll just cause me to get spanked.

"Sorry, I'm ready now"

A/N: I kind of hate this chapter but I don't want to change the original story too much.

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