album of the year

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And it's starting to seem that the only thing everlasting

Is this vow of silence

Well, I guess that's the vow that we took – but not at first

At first I was screaming, those songs you heard

Hayley walked off the airplane, heading into the terminal to go find her luggage and finally going to her old home, one that she used to love. She liked Nashville but it had created too many painful memories for her. She didn't want to think about Nashville ever again. She was grateful that she had been given the opportunity to start a semi successful band that was able to kick start her solo career. What she didn't like about Nashville was the fact that her soon to be ex-husband and ex-bandmate, Taylor York lived there.

She had once thought that they would be together forever. She swore to the moons and to the stars, he was the one. They had suffered through so many trials and tribulations together. She had thought their battles would be worth it and they would make it out, they didn't. She grabbed her luggage and headed outside, going to find her son. She felt a small hug at her legs, she smiled softly and played with her son's curly hair.

"Hey buddy, I missed you," She smiled softly and picked the five year old up. The perfect mixture of Hayley and Taylor, Hudson had Hayley's emerald eyes and Taylor's curly hair. She held him tightly, crying silently into his curly hair, she had missed her son more than she cared to admit. She loved him and hated being away from him but she knew that she couldn't be in Nashville and looking for a house in Los Angeles would be worth it. Plus, her record label wanted her to be out there. After numerous failed attempts of being a band, she was finally in a band with her soon to be ex-husband and they had gotten semi-big. They had gotten a record contract and had released a couple of albums, they had gotten popular enough to play festivals.

Everything seemed so picturesque for them until they had gotten big. Taylor's drinking had become more prominent and he had begun to gain his drunken confidence forgetting the obligation of his pregnant wife. He had swore that he was just looking to have fun with his friends at the bar and in doing so, he had drunk too much and found a girl of the evening to sleep with. They usually recognized Taylor and if that wasn't enough, they recognized his song. Hayley was oblivious to it all, she hadn't thought he would be going out every night after their show cheating on her. No one told her about it, not even her friends. She found out one night when she had been on the bus, reading through fan's messages. A notification popped out from a fan named Baylie, claiming she had slept with Taylor the night before at their stop in Chicago. She provided her with the name of the bar and the activities that entailed that night.

Heartbroken, she got up from her bunk and put her shoes on. She was so angry, she walked the half mile that it took to get to the bar that Taylor and the band had chosen. It was jam packed, full of young adults laughing, chatting and kissing one another. She pushed through the sea of people trying to find her curly haired handsome husband. Her eyes finally met his drunken ones, who was currently wrapped around a girl who was probably no more than 22 years old, a college girl. She couldn't believe him as she watched him, the girl whispering into his ear something before placing soft kisses on his neck. He smiled softly and grabbed the girl's ass. Hayley had watched the whole scene unfold, before walking over and prying Taylor off of the girl.

"How many times have you done this?" Hayley asked, her voice wavering in and out, she was trying her best to maintain her composure through it all. She could feel the alcohol on Taylor's breath as he tried to explain what he was doing. She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the bar, calling an Uber as they went back to the tour bus.

The car ride was silent all the way to the bus. Once they had finally gotten back to the bus, Hayley let loose.

"How? How could you do this to me? We have been through so much and you decide that getting drunk on tour, fucking random girls all while your pregnant wife hangs back on the bus is the way to go? You are insane. This is insane. I didn't marry you. I didn't marry this Taylor. Where is my Taylor? Where is the Taylor I met that night at the bar? The one who threw up and claimed he spilled his drink? Where is the Taylor who would make love to me as we listened to 'Chelsea Girls'," She said angrily before tears slowly escaped her eyes. She had tried her best to remain composed through it all. She slapped his face before beginning to sob more, and headed to sleep for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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