Part 6 attack on the partas part 2:jaunes revenge

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(I don't own ordeal rwby Naruto or any franchise mentioned here)

Everyone had refilled on food and drink for this next part. The battle between esdeath partas and jaune arc as they began to make bets as people weighed in the two combatants esdeath partas one of the twin empresses of ice alongside yuri winterflake and Jaune the herald of revenge.

Esdeath had incredibly strong ice powers to the point she was heavily monitored by Kode and tested found the only 2 ice talents more powerful were Hisame )which no one even knew where the talent was) and Vinter the hoarfrost ax which was in the possession of bjorn Grimson the Immortal

Esdeath was able to freeze time by expending all of her aura at the moment of use of the ability but if the person had higher aura was physically stronger or had a semblance or talent that resisted the power of ice like Ilios The immortal hide or yuris ice semblance

She had stronger ice powers and is more experienced In jaune in combat

But jaune had stronger powers then esdeath having heat manipulation enhanced strength body empowerment regeneration 360 vision and bone weapons meaning he's never out of weapons to fight with

Jaune also has the higher intelligence higher tactical ability and is way more bloodthirsty then esdeath can even contemplate nothing esdeath could say to him would cause him to stop since he's practically only desiring to murder EVERYONE he hates not caring about what the consequences are

Jaune also has a healthy Kagaya and healthy Tadomeki ready to break jaune out of time freeze since they seem to be strong enough to do so

Jaune and esdeath glared at each other as jaune said "been awhile esdeath. Guess you got even more shitty since I last I saw you" as he glared at her with such rage it looked demonic as she glared back their energies burning immensely as he chuckled and said to esdeath

"Remember what you said to me. All those months ago? Well guess what I'm here to make you regret what you did" as esdeath scoffed and said

"Come on jaune. I could end this in a victory given that I've brought your sister" as saphron walked forward but jaune scoffed and said

"Well then sis. Guess you really never cared" only for saphron to break down in tears and say

"I do jaune. How could I not you're my little brother but...I'm only here opposing you because of the side you're on. If I could not fight I wouldn't do so" she said and despite being genuine in these intentions Jaune still didn't care in his eyes saphron was nothing but an obstacle that needs to be killed for both his sake and Thanatos sake

Saphron bursted into genuine tears she was forced to leave jaune behind because of the dangers and the fact mason blackmailed her into leaving jaune behind so she ended doing it out of her own fear which consumed her since even though she did it for her son and wife she still had to bear that burden of abandoning jaune

Terra comforted her wife seeing her pain as she realized how vengeful Jaune had become (by the way should I do a Jaune that worships the chaos gods from Warhammer 4ok?)

Jaune chuckled and said "save the excuses Saphron, I know you're just doing this because you want to save your own damn hide. Now then let me show you two a form I made just for this occasion!"

As Jaunes body began to heat up and...smoke began to emanate from him as his eyes turned red and said "Sage monster mode 2: Second son of rebellion" as his body was now covered in black ashy smoke as he said

smoke began to emanate from him as his eyes turned red and said "Sage monster mode 2: Second son of rebellion" as his body was now covered in black ashy smoke as he said

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