WolfGirl added SeaKing to Forgotoes
Seaking: what is this chat?
Masternoodles: the forgetten peeps
MagicMan: you are added because you are no longer important
Garmadad: why am I here again?
Purplecreature: Because-once again- you have been forgotten
Garmadad: again? these Ninja cannot keep their memories in check. I am important every other season.
RevengeQueeen: what do you mean Sssseason.?
simpingSnake: like spring summer fall
Garmadad: no you foolish snakes.
Imanimportantsnake: how dare you insult my kind
Garmadad: stupid snakes. Stupid snakes. stupid snakes
wolfgirl: grow up!
Garmadad: im 1325 how much more should I grow up?
QueenBlondieAngel: wow ur old
Garmadad: thanks
QueenBlondieAngel: ur welcom
MasterNoodles: so should we start a tournament of the forgotten
Garmadad: no, now I will plan my 4th return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you all next season
EvilLord: heyyy Its my season and this time ur son will not defeat me!
Garmadad: dont you dare attack my son that I have no affection for since i am unable to since the red faced white haired broken teenager decided to bring me back as pure oni!
Revengequeen: 👁️👄👁️
QueenBlondieAngel: 👁️👄👁️
MagicMan: 👁️👄👁️
EvilLord: okay.....
Garmadon: just. Ignore that
Ninjago Texting
Short StoryIt seems the time has come at last; the ninja is too lazy to even speak with each other after the oni fight. So of course, they do what any logical ten ager/ young adult would do. Text. A lot