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"It's a fake. He has no followers," Yulia shook her head.

"Ooh, it's a table!" Evan joked. Gaby rolled her eyes as she glared at him. Fawn couldn't help but let out a giggle.

"We're all tagged," Gaby stated the obvious.

"Ryan!" Fawn looked up from her phone as he shot her a text.

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Ry<3: Good God it's packed out there. Took me five minutes for a damn parking spot

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Evan rolled his eyes. "Evan. Can you try and seem like you're not a dick?" Fawn snapped.

"I'm nice to him!" Evan responded, "Ryan's fine... He just..."

"He's harmless, like an NPC," Scuba butted in. Jess shrugged at Fawn.

"My boyfriend is not an NPC!" Fawn rolled her eyes.

"But, he messes with the group dynamic!" Evan argued.

"Just be nicer. For Fawn," Gaby practically begged.

"Fine. Fawn, you're lucky I love you," Evan sighed as he leaned back. "I have nothing to talk about with the guy. He's kind of boring."

"Well, maybe if you made a bit of an effort," Yulia suggested.

"I mean, hes a good guy. Come on, be happy for our girl!" Jess bumped shoulders with her friend.

"Good guy," Scuba repeated. Fawn just giggled.

"Well, he hasn't ghosted Fawn yet like Bobby did me," Jess pointed out. Fawn laughed out loud at this.

"He's front runner. And he's not ugly and he doesn't give off bad vibes," Fawn added. Jess let out a snort at this.

"NPC," Scuba coughed, "Looks like a robot, talks like a robot." Ryan eventually pushed through the glass front door.

"What's up?" Ryan smiled at the group.

"Took you long enough!" Fawn laughed. He pressed a kiss to her lips before sliding in next to Evan and Gaby.

𝒯@𝒢𝒢𝐸𝒟 | 𝑅.𝐵. | 𝒯𝐻𝒜𝒩𝒦𝒮𝒢𝐼𝒱𝐼𝒩𝒢Where stories live. Discover now