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Fawn pulled a pack of gum from her locker, in between Yulia and Evan's, she pulled out a piece, taking it out of the wrapper and shoving it into her mouth, handing Jess a piece following, placing it back in its spot and slamming her locker shut.

"Hello? Were you listening to anything I just said?" Yulia waved her hand in front of Fawn's face.

"What? Sorry, what'd you say?" Fawn was taken a bit by surprise at this. Jess, knowing what this was about, kept her mouth shut. Scuba and Gaby made their way to the group, out of their respective classes as Evan shoved the door open.

"Guys. Look at this," as he spoke, everyone's phones began to ding. Fawn took a step back. On the star of the Rightmart sign, the lower half of Lizzie Kaplan's body. She felt her stomach lift to her throat.

"Oh, fuck," Gaby gasped. Fawn wanted so desperately to tear her eyes away. But she couldn't. She just... couldn't.

"Holy shit," Fawn's trembling hand caught her mouth as she stared on in terror.

"Good thing it's seventh period," Scuba gulped.

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"Ryan, this isn't fake," Fawn leaned against the brick wall of her school after the day ended, waiting for him to come pick her up as her car was in the shop.

"Yeah. No shit," Ryan sighed.

"Jess is on the phone with her dad. We're trying to figure this out," Fawn sighed, running a hand through her hair as she picked up a part of Jess and her dad's conversation.

"Jess, you know me. I will not be bullied by some lunatic. The store is staying open, and I'm hiring some extra security. You need to go to the sheriff's office," Thomas demanded over the phone as Jess pushed the schools front door open.

"Ryan, he's keeping the store open," Fawn sighed.

"Fuck. Listen, I- I'm so sorry, I know I said I'd come get you but I'm so fucking caught up with school right now. Could you hitch a ride?"

"Yeah, of course. It's no problem," Fawn nodded.

"You're a life saver, woman. I love you. Please stay safe," Ryan spoke sincerely.

"I love you too, you dork. I'll try. Have a nice time finishing your homework," Fawn chuckled as she hung up the phone and returned to the group. "Ev, can I hitch a ride?"

𝒯@𝒢𝒢𝐸𝒟 | 𝑅.𝐵. | 𝒯𝐻𝒜𝒩𝒦𝒮𝒢𝐼𝒱𝐼𝒩𝒢Where stories live. Discover now