chapter 48: heart breaking news

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Troy leaving for a business trip to London...

Troy, kneeling to hug his kids: "Alright, my champions, it's time for Dad to go on a quick business trip to Melbourne."

Eve looking sad: "Do you have to go, Dad?"

Troy, gently lifting her chin: "I'll miss you all, sweetheart. But I'll be back before you know it, and we can share all the stories of my trip."

Carmie: You take care, Dad.

Carmine, hugging Troy: "Safe travels, love. We'll hold down the fort here and eagerly await your return."

Troy, smiling at his family: "Take good care of Mom, Eve, Carmie, and Jazz...and make sure you stay out of trouble, okay?"

Jazz: "I'll be good, Dad!"

Troy, zipping up his suitcase: "That's my boy. Now, give me a big family hug before I head to the airport."

As they embraced, Troy felt a mix of emotions—excitement for the opportunities in Melbourne and a twinge of sadness at leaving his family behind. With one last wave, he headed towards the door, carrying both his suitcase and the love of his family with him on this brief journey.

dinner time at Troy and Carmine's house...

Carmine, with a plate in hand, glanced up at the evening news playing in the background. The atmosphere in the room shifted as the breaking news caught their attention.

News Anchor: "...reports are coming in about a plane crash involving a connecting flight from the Philippines to Hong Kong, bound for Melbourne. Rescue operations are underway in parts of the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean."

Carmine, dropping the plate in shock: "Oh, no..."

Eve, wide-eyed: "Dad was on that flight! We need to find out what's happening."

Jazz, reaching for the remote to increase the volume: "Stay calm, everyone. Let's listen and see if they have more information."

The room fell into a tense silence as they all huddled around the television, anxiety and fear gripping their hearts.

News Anchor: "...emergency services are responding, and rescue teams are mobilizing to retrieve passengers from the crash site. The situation is still unfolding, and details are limited at this time."

Carmie, tears streaming down her face: "We need to know if Dad's okay. We have to find out."

Eve, frantically searching for her phone: "I'll call the airline. Maybe they have information."

Jazz, consoling Carmine: "We'll get through this together. Let's stay hopeful until we hear more."

The family, now in a state of panic and uncertainty, clung to each other as they awaited further updates on the fate of Troy and the other passengers. The living room, once filled with the warmth of family dinner, now echoed with the haunting silence of worry and fear.

As the minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, the atmosphere in the room grew heavier with each passing moment. Eve clutched the phone to her ear, desperately trying to get information from the airline. The rest of the family gathered around, their eyes glued to the television, awaiting any news that could offer a glimmer of hope.

Eve, with a shaky voice: "They're saying... they're saying they're still gathering information. They can't confirm anything yet."

Carmine, holding back tears: "We need to know, we can't just sit here. We have to do something."

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