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(Theo's POV)

I was so young when I lost everything, so young that I almost lost myself too. I was so broke that I ended up destroying everyone near me.

"T, come on you are better than this" Deedee said, but all I did was to stare outside without saying a word. "Callista Theodore Dee De Luca, what would auntie and Thea feel if they see you like this? This is bullsh*t! I already lost a cousin, ayaw ko nang mawalan pa ulit. Come on please, come back to us. Uncle Llisto needs you right now"

Those words that Deedee said echoed through my mind. That's when I realized that I can't stay so broke, that papa needs me. Akon na nga lang ang meron siya ay mawawala.

"Is it true? That this is the last year that you are playing volleyball? Are you actually quitting?" I smiled at what the reporter said.

"Yeah. Actually, I've thinking it through for the past months, I mean this is for the best after all." The reporter looked so shocked and taken a back. "This is the last game I'm playing. And I'm dedicating it to mama and to my older sister Thea" And gave the reporter a polite smile.

"That is a very sudden news coming from the dare devil of high school volleyball herself."

It was a choice that I wanted to make. I don't want something that reminded me of that tragic event. I want to forget everything that will remind me of them.

"What a game that we are having, the dare devil is putting in a show for her last dance as we may speak." I heard the commentator said. "Talaga partner? This is her last dance?"

Everything was smooth sailing that game, when I felt a too much pain on my left shoulder.

"Theo? Something wrong?" Damn it. "Coach si Theo" Lumapit si coach.

That very same day I had a minor shoulder injury they want me to sit out the game. But I have other plans, this is my last game why not go out with a bang right? Knowing that I might have a severe complication with my left shoulder I still played.

"No, I'm playing. I'll be fine coach, mag chachampion tayo. I'm keeping my promise." I said.

"Theo baka kung ano pang mangyari sa left shoulder mo. This is so risky." My coach sternly said.

"Coach I'm playing and no one is stopping me."

I still played throughout the pain. I know papa and Deedee were so worried but I wanted this. That is why I'm finishing this.

"Last point if they get this then it is complete." That moment I felt a sudden pain in my knee, I knew something is wrong. "Oh, a broken receive. De Luca is running for it. A set from the very back of the court." I smiled; I've been practicing this my whole life. "My God is she for real?" I did the most perfect set that I ever did, an A quick minus tempo. "And miracles do happen partner a ridiculously amazing set from the dare devil herself." But I was still down...

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