Chapter 1: COMING BACK?

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(Theo's POV)

"So? Are we having a deal?" I stared at the screen of my ipod. "Theo, oy! Ano na?" I sighed.

"Ate Ly, you know na tapos na ako dyan" I reasoned out.

"Me and Deedee had a talk you are still playing beach volleyball since the last time I saw you in Milan. Come on! One season, then let's see if you want an extension." Napailing nalang ako.

"Pinagkakaisahan niyo ba ako?" Ate Ly just smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Is that a yes Theo? Kasi ipapaready ko agad ang documents for the contract signing." I laughed.

"Fine! One season, then let's see where this leads us." I say in defeat.

"Yes! Bingo! You guys hear that she's back!!!" That's when I realize na hindi lang pala si Ate Ly ang nandoon.

"Ate Jia, ate bea, wait bat andami niyo?"

"Welcome back Dare Devil!!!" Sabay sabay nilang sabi, God this people.

"We missed you T. Welcome back to your world." Sabi ni ate Den, I smiled at the thought.

"Yey! Kakalaro kana ulit namin. This calls a celebration."

"Ate B just to remind you I haven't sign anything yet. Masyado kang atat sumbong kita kay ate Jo eh." Ate B rolled her eyes.

"Don't remind her, they fought kanina." I laughed. "Si Beatrice naman kasi masyadong matigas ang ulo."

"Baka naman kasi pinag selos mo na naman?" I asked teasingly.

"Tumigil ka nga Theodora, napaka selosa naman kasi kahit wala akong ginagawa. Kasalanan ko bang nilapitan ako?" Tinaasan ko siya ng kilay.

"Aba! Si De Leon ang hangin ah." Tumawa si ate Ly.

"Eh, ikaw ba? Rinig ko kay Deedee may ipapakilala siya dapat sayo pero tinakbuhan mo raw?" Damnit! Kainins naman kasi Deedee.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Then saw my phone ringing. "Sandali lang, I need to answer this."

"Sure sure.." ate Jia said. Napailing nalang ako, when I saw a familiar id on my phone.

"Wait mga ate, my assistant is calling I need to answer it." I pick up my phone.

"Si Rafa"(Yes Rafa) I spoke in Italian. "Che ne dici del nonno questa volta?"(What about grandpa this time?) Then I laughed. "Digli di non preoccuparsi. Non sono piu un ragazzino."(Tell him not to worry. I'm not a kid anymore.) Hay nako si Lolo talaga. "Digli che lo amo. Ciao Rafa. Oh, e quando torno a casa posso cancellare I miei impegni per l'intera settimana."(Tell him I love him. Bye Rafa. Oh, and When I get home Can you clear my schedule for the entire week.) I look through the camera where ate Ly and the others are looking at me. "I need to sort things out. Yeah. Ciao." Then hang up.

"What was that?" Ate Ly asked.

"I guess I just cleared my schedule for the whole week when I come home." Namilog ang mga mata nila.

---------- FAST FORWARD ----------

"And here she is back in flesh." Ate Riri said while smiling. I run up to her and hug her. "I missed you too little bug."

"Hep hep hep. Paano naman ako? I'm your the best cousin remember?" I look at ate Deedee.

"Deedee." It felt home. "I'm really back. God an daming nag bago. Though wala namang nag bago sa inyong dalawa." I teasingly smiled at ate Riri. "Patay na patay parin sayo si Dee. Good job on putting a leash on her." Binato ako ng sombrero ni Deedee.

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