I trusted you. 🖕

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quick a/n :

y/n and chris are dating


I get up from my seat and start dancing to the hard beat of the music with nick and madi right next to me. We also had our friend kassie there with us. I met her in second grade and im still friends with her when I dropped out of school.
Sometimes I think she can be a bit too loud, and slightly rude. It's alright though.

"Heyyy guyssssssss!" She says as she is recording a tiktok.

" She does this every time." I say in my head.

Sometimes, I do think she uses me for clout since im friends with the sturniolo triplets and dating christopher sturniolo, maybe im overthinking?

"Soooo today im at a party with madi, nick, matt chris and y/n!!" She says as she points around the room.

"So funnn!" I yell into the camera with excitement.

After she is done recording and uploading her tiktok I notice that chris and matt are still upstairs.

"I'm gonna go check up on chris and matt." I say.

"OH MY GOSHHH!! me tooo!" She says in an annoying voice.

"Uh ok..?" I say as I question her.

I knock on the bathroom door to see if matt or chris is in there.

"Hello?!" I yell

"Nope." I mumble to myself.

"Where are they?" I ask — "maybe outside?" Kassie assumes.

"Oh yeah..kassie, I've been meaning to ask you this and I've been hearing this rumor that you like matt, is that true. he has a girlfriend and you know that. I'm just making sure because people just spread things that are and aren't true."

"Of course I don't!! He isn't really my type, never heard that?" She said shrugging.

"Uh okay.." I said unsure.

After that, I thought nothing of it.. but later on I got a text message from the latest news group chat, basically the tea spilling group.


"I knew it. She lied like she does all the time. I know this is true because it's one of my better friends." I mumble off to myself as im lying next to chris in bed.

"Huh? Is everything okay?" He asks with pure confusion.

"Yes.......no it's not, I trusted kassie, I did. I told her plain she cannot like matt, guess what..she likes matt. And what makes it worse is that matt is dating her best friend, her own best friend told her to not like him since they're dating."

"That pisses you off?" He asks.

"Yes, it does. The next time I see her I'm gonna beat her goddamn ass." I say furiously.

"No you're not." He says.

"Yes I am, you're not my fucking mother. And I'm serious that I'm really mad at her. She promised everything on me and I thought I could trust her. That makes me look stupid, doesn't it?" I say.

"No, but if you're really that mad then just text her and get things sorted out? Isn't that easier?" He asks me.

"No? It's more than being all calm about it to her, I will beat her damn ass." I say

~ time skip ~

I see a text from the latest news group chat and see

"Kassie said y/n is fighting her today! Is that true?" She asks.

"Yup 🤷‍♀️" I reply back.

"Going to the pier and fighting." I reply again.

~ ten minutes later ~

"Is this stupid ass girl scared to fight? Where is she?" I ask myself out loud then right after getting a punch in the back of the head.

I look over my shoulder to see kassie.

"So?..." She says right before absolute silence.

I look to see chris jump over to punch Kassie right in the eye leading her right to tears.

"CHRIS!" I yell.

"What did you do." I say.

"You said you were fighting her but she just fucking punched you in the back of the head and did not one thing." He says.

"Fine, it's fine." I say looking right back over at kassie as she gets up and kicks my chest.

"Fuck you." I say to kassie right in her eyes as she has faint tears going down her face.

I punch he right in the gut leaving her to the ground as her friends check up on her.

"Hey kassie, go fuck your self at this point to." I yell as I grab my water and walk in the car with scraped knees.

"Learned your lesson?" Chris asks.



hope you enjoyed reading, took about 43 minutes.

[781 words]

Matt and chris sturniolo imagines ! 💕Where stories live. Discover now