Chapter Three

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"You smile, that beautiful smile and all the girls in the front row scream your

Chapter Three: Superstar

Abigail was cleaning the coffee table in her living with a Clorox wipe while Chloe was sitting down on the couch on her phone. When Abigail woke up this morning she found an open bag of chips and a soda that had spilled all over her coffee table. She of course knew who left all that junk food there and it was not her.

"I think the table is clean now, you've been cleaning that thing for over twenty minutes," Chloe said

Abigail rolled her eyes getting up from being on her knees. "And exactly why didn't you think about cleaning up the soda after it spilled."

"For the last time Abigail, I didn't spill the damn soda. Besides it's just a table." Chloe shrugged.

Abigail sighed with annoyance. "You could've at least put the chips away. You left it open so now they're stale and they were my chips!"

"And they were delicious! Which by the way you didn't throw them away right because I still want to eat them," Chloe smirked.

Abigail glared harshly at Chloe with no expression. Chloe got up from the couch and walked to Abigail smiling. "Listen I'm sorry I promise I will do better next time, but for now instead of being mad at me remember the day we have ahead of us. It's going to be a fun day!" Chloe said.

Abigail looked down at her hands smiling. Chloe was right today is going to be a good day. Today Matt and his brothers are going to pick up Abigail and Chloe to spend the whole day together starting with eating breakfast together.

They are all close friends, but it's rare for them to be all together. The reason why is because Chloe never has time as she's studying for her college exams Abigail has no idea how Chloe could handle both her party and exams but Abigail has faith that she'll figure it out like she always does. Another reason could be that sometimes Abigail and Matt would want to spend time together on their own plus Matt and his brothers have been busy lately with their videos.

Chloe taps on Abigail's shoulder. "What?" Abigail blurted out. "They're here, Nick just texted me."

Abigail bends down to grab her purse and keys. They walk out of their apartment locking the door behind them. The first person Abigail laid eyes on was Matt. He was leaning on his car waiting for them. Abigail immediately smiled as she sped walked towards him. She put her arms around his neck as Matt wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her tighter.

"How are you?" Abigail asked letting go of him as Matt did the same. "Good" he chuckled grabbing her hands and holding them. Abigail's eyes softened as she looked away from him seeing Nick, Chris, and Chloe in the car looking a little bored. She felt bad for them waiting. "We should go now," Abigail said.

Matt looked behind himself and then back to Abigail. "Before we go I should warn you that me, Chris, and Nick were thinking about vlogging during breakfast today. Is that okay?" He whispered.

"I could never have a problem with that." Abigail smiled as she walked past Matt and into the backseat with Nick and Chloe.

"Hey guys!" Abigail yelled. Nick gave Abigail a side hug with a smile. "What's up!" Chris said

"Nothing much, you?" She asked.

"Nothing too, you know about us vlogging right?" Chris replied.

"Of course! Sounds fun!" Abigail said.

"Great because Matt refused to do it without asking permission first." Nick jumped into the conversation as he was getting the camera out of his backpack. "He has no reason to ask, he can do whatever he wants." She said.

Matt gets inside the car starting it. They start driving off to Denny's. Abigail loves their French toast there and she could eat that forever so she says. She recommended Denny's as an option when they were trying to decide on what to eat.

"Hey guys, It's me Nick with another vlog, but with Chloe and Abigail!" Nick yelled moving the camera towards them. Abigail shyly waved at the camera as Chloe winked at it using the camera as her mirror to fix her hair.

Chris reached over to the back and snatched the camera from Nick's hand as Chloe yelled "Hey!" Since she was still fixing her hair. "Shh, Hey guys," Chris said biting his lip playfully. "It's me and Matt too here, tell the fans what today's vlog is about!" Chris pushed the camera close to Matt's face he had to shove Chris away a little.

"Um, breakfast?" Matt responded taking glances at the camera and then back at the road.

"What he means is that we will be taking you guys with us as we eat breakfast!" Nick yelled from the back. Matt pulls up to Denny's finding a parking spot. Chris gives back the camera to Nick turning it off for a second.

Matt got out of the car and walked to the backseat door opening the door for Abigail. He moves his hand to Abigail's waiting for her to take his hand and get out which she immediately does. As an instinct, Abigail and Matt kept holding hands as they all walked towards the building. Of course, there's no problem with them holding hands since they weren't filming and no one could catch them. That's what they thought at least.

They all get a table together and Chris starts filming Abigail and Chloe. "Someone here has a birthday coming up soon." Chris starts poking Abigail's shoulder repeatedly as she laughed. "Yeah, my theme is-" Abigail gets cut off by Chloe's hand on her mouth.

"Shhh don't tell anyone yet! She giggled. "We want it to be a surprise." She continued.

Abigail moved her hand away from her mouth confused. "Since when?"

"Since now." She smirked.

Eventually, Chris, Nick, and Chloe got caught up on the vlog. Abigail took a bite from her French toast looking around the diner. She felt a cold hand on her knee she looked down under the table realizing it was just Matt's hand.

"So can you tell me what your theme is?" He asked as he slowly started rubbing her knee.

Abigail squinted her eyes with a smile. "No." Matt frowned his eyebrows. "I kinda like the idea of keeping it a secret. You'll have to see the day of it."

He smirked opening his mouth to say something. "Tell the viewers what you're eating!" Nick said filming him. Understandably Matt got caught up in the video removing his hand from her.

Abigail turned to Chris and Chloe they were talking about spaceships. Weird Abigail thought but whatever. Abigail didn't want to be rude so she sat there and continued eating.

Time flew by and they were back in the car arguing about something silly. It was getting later and the sky was showing it with the darkness consuming the whole sky with the moon replacing the sun. Both Matt and Abigail adored days like these it felt perfect like a movie. It felt unreal, but like all movies, there is always a conflict coming up later on.


Is this good so far?

I'm kinda having mixed feelings about this story but I'm not planning on quitting this story or anything but you know I still have some doubts that I'll hopefully get over ☺️

If you have any questions please feel free to comment them here 🫶🏼

I feel so productive it's an art 🤩

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