The Interview

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Losing her job and her boyfriend had certainly not been a part of Taylor's plans, and New York rent and that inconvenient desire to eat 3 meals a day didn't leave a lot of room for changes in plans when it came to jobs. Between her depression over losing her job and the stress she faced trying to find a new one, Joe had decided he no longer wanted to be with her. And while the relationship had been over in both of their minds for months, it still stung. She was well and truly scrambling, between checking every job site that had ever been published, as well as trying to convince her landlord to cut her some slack. Neither was going well. She had submitted her resume to dozens of potential employers in the 2 weeks, and had heard very little back. The daunting situation had her seriously considering faking her death to escape its consequences. Finally, she heard a ding from her computer that signaled an email coming through.

Taylor sprang up from her position on the floor to grab her laptop and gasped when she read the subject line of the email sitting at the top of her inbox.

Interview Requested: Kelce Investments

Kelce Investments? This company was huge. She'd wanted to work there for years, but finding an opening was damn near impossible. She could not fuck this up. She read through the message, seeing that it asked if she was available the next afternoon. She promptly responded saying that she was, and would be able to make it to an interview. After all, it wasn't like she had a job to go to. As soon as she sent off her response, she began pondering what to wear. She was desperate to make a good impression, she needed this job so badly.

After hours of trying things on, looking in the mirror, and sighing frustratedly, Taylor finally decided on a long-sleeved black dress that fell just below her knees, and a brown blazer. And, of course, a pair of Louboutin pumps, because who would she be without them? A sensible outfit, respectable, but also one that made her feel powerful and confident. Like there was no way she wouldn't get hired.


Taylor hardly slept that night, tossing and turning in anticipation. When she finally decided to cut her losses and get up for the day, it was only 7 o'clock. Her interview was at 1:30. Great. She anxiously ate breakfast and tried to tidy up around her apartment, desperately trying to think of anything besides her upcoming interview. At around noon, she got dressed and did her makeup, before finally leaving the apartment a little before one. The subway ride to the plaza where the Kelce Investments building was located was filled with anxiety. If she wasn't able to get this job, she didn't know what she would do. It's not like her inbox was overflowing with companies begging her to come work for them. And for the first time in six years, Taylor was truly alone. No matter what happened today, Taylor would return to an empty apartment with nobody to share her feelings with besides the cats. The realization was frightening, but also somehow very refreshing. If she got the job, Joe wouldn't be there trying to minimize it for her. If she didn't, he wouldn't be there to tell her to stop moping either. Walking off of the subway and into the Kelce Investments building felt like taking a definitive step into a new era of her life, one that wouldn't be weighed down by subconscious doubt built up by someone who was supposed to have loved her.

The elevator ride to the thirteenth floor was quick. Huh, Taylor thought. Thirteen. My lucky number. Things were looking up already. She walked up to the reception desk, and the receptionist looked up and smiled at her.

"Hi, my name is Taylor. I'm here for an interview?"

"Oh, Ms. Swift! Yes, of course! Please, take a seat. I'll let Mr. Kelce know you're here." Taylor sat in a comfortable armchair and looked around the space she was in. All of a sudden, she came to a realization.

Let Mr. Kelce know I'm here? As in he'll be doing my interview? As in Travis Kelce, owner of Kelce Investments, will be conducting my interview? She barely had time to process these thoughts and let the panic sink in before she heard footsteps coming down the hallway towards her.

Mr. Kelce - A Tayvis AUWhere stories live. Discover now