The First Day

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soooo... it's been a while huh? to be honest, i forgot this book existed, but now we're BACK! go check out my book of one-shots too while you're here ok thank you here's the story now.

Taylor had never left Travis's mind since her interview. The way she had quickly stood up for herself and all but told him to fuck off had turned him on so much that he couldn't stop thinking about it. She was the perfect candidate for the job and he knew it. Taylor was intelligent, experienced, and clearly willing to say what needed to be said. And on a personal note, she was gorgeous. He hadn't lied when he said he wouldn't have forgotten her. It would have been impossible to forget her golden hair cascading over her shoulders, her eyes that were a shade of blue he had never seen before, the power that was in her walk. Dear god, the way she called him "sir" was almost enough to make him grab her from across the desk right then and there. He usually would have consulted at least his brother before hiring somebody, but he knew he couldn't let Taylor walk out of that office, never to be seen again. He had sighed in relief when she accepted his apology and job offer, and when she shook his hand and called him Travis, it was damn near enough to make melt on the spot. His eyes were transfixed on her as she left, and something was ringing out in his head. This woman was special.


As Taylor rose from her bed to get ready for the day, she felt something in her stomach that she hadn't felt since she lost her job and Joe had walked out on her. She felt hope. This job was giving her an opportunity she was extremely grateful for, but she knew her newfound optimism went beyond that. Travis was so attractive, possibly the most attractive man she had ever laid her eyes on. She found her stomach tossing and turning at the thought of working in the same building as him. She quickly pushed those thoughts down though.

He didn't think you were qualified. He thought you only wanted to sleep with him.

The anger rose up again, and as Taylor walked through the doors of Kelce Investments, she felt more strongly than ever that she had to prove herself to Travis and everybody else who might be watching. A gorgeous young blonde such as herself, there would undoubtedly be questions as to how she had found herself working at such a prestigious company. But she would stay quiet and let the questions answer themselves.

As she walked into the elevator, Taylor was met with a sight that made her want to sigh in exasperation. Of course the first person she would run into was him.

"Taylor! Great to see you. Here, I'll show you to your office." She was suspicious of this warm, inviting act he was performing. The Travis of the afternoon before had been all too eager to dismiss her, but suddenly he was stumbling over himself to be a helpful guide.

"I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll be able to find my way on my own." Quick, succinct, but respectful. She didn't want to be rude, but she wanted him to know that she didn't need to rely on him.

"Please, Taylor, I insist. I want us to move past what happened in your interview. I truly am sorry. Please let me do this for you." Oh, so he wanted to bring up the interview. He seemed sincere, almost like he was begging for her to forgive him.

Begging. That could be fun.

No, Taylor! She had to stop herself from going down that trail of thought. She was supposed to hate him! He underestimated her, he assumed she couldn't be qualified for the job! But he did seem sorry...

"Alright. Lead the way." With that, the elevator doors opened, and the pair walked out. As the two walked out together, the entire office's eyes fell upon Taylor. She could hear the whispers begin to fly, but she knew better than to let them get to her. Travis led Taylor down the hallway towards her office, and when they arrived, she quickly noticed they were a short walk from Travis's office. Forget being anxious about working in the same building, the anxiety about working just down the hall from Travis was off the walls. He opened the door and walked in, holding it open for her to enter behind him.

"Here we are! It's rather plain for the time being, but feel free to decorate however you'd like." The two sat in an awkward silence as he trailed off, neither knowing what to say next.



The two began to speak over each other, and Travis began to laugh at the coincidence before he noticed Taylor wasn't.

"Go ahead," he told her, not quite sure what he had wanted to say anyways.

"Travis, I don't want our working relationship to be awkward. I'm willing to forgive your... mistake, and move on. Please don't treat me differently than anybody else because you feel that you need to make it up to me. The last thing I need is my new coworkers thinking I'm getting favors from the boss." She saw him blush slightly, and whether it was due to being called out, or the implication of giving Taylor favors, she would never know. However, she relished in the way that he seemed to be ashamed, and how much power she seemed to so easily hold over him.

"I understand. Let's just start from scratch." He stuck out his hand to shake. "I'm Travis Kelce, your new boss." For the first time since they met, he saw something on her face that resembled a smile.

She grabbed his hand and shook it. "Taylor. Taylor Swift."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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