Chapter 3hree

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Stepping into the restaurant was like crossing a threshold from one world to the next. The loud cheering and clanging of slot machines disappeared and the sound was replaced with soft instrumental music and soft chatters from seated guests.

Damien softly grasped my hand and gently led me to the waiting area of the restaurant while he went up and spoke to the waitress to put our names on the list to be seated. He shortly returned and sat closely beside me and gave me a cheeky grin.

"You know, I could get used to this.." he trailed off and I could see his eyes go into the distance like he was searching for his future.

I nodded in agreement and tried to envision a future of my own. I pictured myself, a bit older, in my mid twenties.

My stubborn, teenage acne was gone and my face had matured a little. My cheeks were rosy and my eyes were bright. I was dressed in a sophisticated fashion, like I could work for a magazine or manage a financial institution. I looked wiser, but happy. Something I could rarely see in myself now.

I was standing in a crowded coffee shop looking around with wonder. And then he walked in. Damien was dressed in a modern, masculine way with a tan trench coat that made him look much older. He had a trimmed beard and wore a beautiful smile that words could never do justice. His eyes searched for mine in the sea of people until he finally found me. In that instant, time seemed to stand still and everyone else disappeared. He approached me and reached for my hand, which, on my left finger was a gorgeous diamond ring. What a wonderful future that would be.

"Brandshaw, party of two?" A distant voice called out. And just like that, my future faded from my mind and I was back in the waiting area of Pancho's.

Damien and I stood up in unison and walked toward the waitress holding two menus and she led us to a booth that was somewhat secluded from the rest of the guests. It felt very private. The waitress placed the menus on the table and we took our seats. It was just us again. I suddenly became shy at the idea of being alone with Damien, almost like he had seen my daydream of us being married. I cautiously glanced up in his direction, to find him looking at me intently.

"What are you thinking about Saw? You seem a little awestruck." Damien asked curiously. He leaned in towards me and gave me his full attention.

Unintentionally I gulped before I could muster up the right words to say. "Oh I don't know..." I murmured quietly. "I was just thinking about what my life would look like, years from now."

"Oh? And what did it look like?" He smiled and waited for my response. He was practically bouncing out of his seat like an excited little boy.

I looked away shyly and I could feel my cheeks getting warm. "Maybe you'll find out one day.. but until then, this future is just for me." I said, not wanting to come off too strong.

"Sawyer, how many years have we known each other? You can't possibly keep your future a secret!" He laughed and then began to plead with his eyes.

"I was just thinking about where you and I would be, years down the road." I began. "I was picturing what we would look like, in our twenties, what we would be doing with our lives, you know? And-"

"Hi there! My name's Mindy, I'll be your server this evening. Can I get you guys started with anything to drink?" The server greeted us just in time to cut me off before I spilled my little fantasy. We ordered our drinks and decided on an appetizer and she floated away towards the kitchen.

I decided to change the subject. "So how long do you think it will take for us to get to Denver?" I asked quickly before Damien could try and restart our previous conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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