Part 5

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The rest of the week went normally. Cooper and I got closer, and Ava switched her English class to Mr. Stans so she could annoyingly keep tabs. Tom and MJ started dating and have been MIA. Mr. Stan's been keeping up our little game of looks and too-close-for-comfort moments, which honestly? Pretty exasperating. But at least he likes my free-writing stories and is assigning them weekly. I'm not complaining since it's boosting my grade.

Today, it's Tuesday and I woke up at 6 am to get ready for the day. I wanted to break out of my usual shy and nice girl routine, so I decided to do something different. I chose a black long-sleeved crop top that shows a bit more cleavage than I'm used to and paired it with light blue jeans. Unfortunately, I had to rush out of the house today after my shower, I quickly brushed my teeth and threw on the outfit I picked out for today. Time just slipped away, and before I knew it, I had to bolt out the door and make a mad dash to school. It was like a whirlwind, and I barely made it to my first class in time, but luckily I made it.

My first hours of school were mainly just my friends MJ, Ava, Tom, and Cooper being extremely and obnoxiously silly, poking and prodding one another, and overall just goofing around

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My first hours of school were mainly just my friends MJ, Ava, Tom, and Cooper being extremely and obnoxiously silly, poking and prodding one another, and overall just goofing around. "So I'm having a party tonight!" Ava said excitedly. "On a Tuesday? Isn't that against school policy especially since you live on school grounds?" I asked knowingly "Oh come on Mina! Don't be a goodie too shoes right now and figure out what you're going to wear tonight, plus it's not like you care since you're breaking dress code anyway." Ava said in a begging but confident manner. Before I could answer the chair behind me squeaked as another student filled its seat, we were in Mr. Mackie's class and waiting till class started. "uh- I don't know Ava i-" Before I could continue with a pathetic excuse Ava cut me off "Don't even say you have work tonight because I already know its a holiday and it's closed so I know your free tonight and to make sure, I'm taking you to the mall after school with me." I tried to argue but then Tom cut in saying "Mina you have to let loose, you work two jobs and go to school, you need a break even if it's just tonight." Tom made a good point but I was still worried that we would get caught. I decided to go anyway because I did need to let loose especially since I haven't hung out with my friends since I got them and I have never really had friends until now.

Mr. Mackie walked in, looked around the class, and began speaking about our new assignment "Since I know today is a holiday I'm not going to give you much just a review of what you have already learned in the four weeks you've been here. Now this is a no-questions-asked, assignment and expect all of you to have it done and turned in by tomorrow." Mr. Mackie said handing papers around to the students.


On the way to my final school hour, Mr. Stan's class, I received crude comments and catcalls, which was unexpected and overwhelming. My outfit, while boosting my confidence, attracted more attention than I was comfortable with. It was surprising to turn so many heads just walking by. As I approached Mr. Stan's class, I bid a quick farewell to Ava, who was off to grab her usual coffee and snack with Cooper before class started. I hurried inside, made a beeline for my seat, and promptly let my head fall with a soft thud onto the desk, seeking a moment of rest after the day I had. "Are you okay Mina?" I heard Mr. Stan's deep voice penetrate the quiet room. I looked up and realized he had just come in from the back office behind the classroom so he definitely didn't see the top I wore. Keeping the position I was currently in on my desk I decided to ask "Do you really want to know?" his brows furrowed with concern and he came closer to me "If you don't want to tell me you don't have to but yes I would like to know and maybe I might be able to help if I can." his voice soft and caring, I chuckled knowing that if this was any other problem than maybe he could fix it but since it's not I don't know how he could fix this one. "You asked for it," I said and leaned back letting everything show. He looked down and his eyes darkened, his jaw clenched, and his fists tightened. He made me have butterflies the way I could feel his eyes trace down and up my body. If he was anyone else I would have felt uncomfortable but not with him. "Come with me," he said in a demanding tone looking at my eyes now. I stood up and walked beside him, his hand finding its way to the small of my back and leading me to his office.

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