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" Like a little sunflower"

Songs suggestions/choices
Fly To You by Caroline Polachek
, Sunflower by Post Malone
& Million To One Camilla Cabelo


Y/n sits anxiously in front of her aging computer, her fingers tapping impatiently on the worn-out keyboard.

Her heart pounds as she refreshes the webpage for the hundredth time, debating whether to get a new one. Is it working right? She debates with her computer's capability, this ancient legend/machine. "Is it out yet?" Y/n's father, seeming the calm one, panics out his usual self. A rare sight of him like this.

"I'm not sure. Let us give Mr.Legendary here some time," she assures him, referring to the laptop by its nickname and trying to calm her own nerves. Having a broken computer is not ideal timing.

The room around her is small but cosy, filled with the warmth of family photos adorning the walls and the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains.

Somehow, the atmosphere calms her; it is
home for sure. No doubt. Beside her, her parents sit on worn-out chairs, their eyes filled with anticipation as they wait for the news alongside their daughter.

Despite the modest surroundings, there is an air of quiet hope that fills the room, a sense of possibility hanging in the air. With a shaky breath, Y/n clicks on the email notification that pops up.

And then, there it is-the long-awaited acceptance or more like rejection letter if she doesn't get in. Y/n's eyes widen in disbelief as she reads the words on the screen, a wave of emotion washing over her.

She has done it. She has been accepted into a prestigious university on a scholarship, a new ivy league school in Korea.

Tears of joy fill Y/n's eyes as she turns to her parents, her hands trembling with excitement. "I got in,"she whispers, her voice choked with emotion.

Her parents' faces break into wide smiles as they envelop Y/n in a tight embrace, their pride and happiness evident in their tear-filled eyes.

"We'll figure it out," her mother assures her, her voice filled with determination. They know the scholarship will only cover tuition for the first year, but they are determined to make it work. They are. She is.

Y/n will need to maintain her grades and find a way to finance the rest of her education, whether through working for it or applying for a student loan. It is a daunting prospect, but Y/n is determined to make it work.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23 ⏰

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