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Let's get into the story ~~~~


As they walked towards their class , Jungkook couldn't help but feel scared. Someone knew where he lived..sent him creepy messages and gifts..and the warned him about throwing them away . That meant he knew all about his wearabouts .The unease gnawed at Jungkook's senses, making him hyperaware of every sound and movement around him. 

Who could be behind these unsettling actions? The mystery shrouded him in a cloak of fear, as he grappled with the realization that his privacy had been invaded, and his safety compromised.

He sat in class next to Taehyung and tried to focus on the teacher's lecture about history, but his mind kept going back to the creepy happenings in his life. The mysterious messages he had been receiving haunted him, and he didn't remember anyone who could have sent such messages. 

The sender seemed to know things about him that only a few close friends would be aware of, making him feel uneasy and paranoid. As he scribbled notes in his notebook, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, wondering if the sender was someone he knew or a complete stranger with a hidden agenda.

"Hey kook ! Look at this ! Quick !", Taehyung whisper yelled at jungkook catching him off guard . When jungkook turned around , he found taehyung with a big ass pout on his face and he was balancing the pen on it . Jungkook blinked before he bursted out laughing at the funny scene . Taehyung tried to mumble something but that made the pen fall down . 

"Aish..you little bunny ! Stop laughing !", Taehyung said glaring at jungkook but he just laughed even more . Taehyung smiled seeing his bunny smile for jungkook looked so etheral , like an angel.

" Taehyungie , you are so silly ! What if the teacher saw you ?" , Jungkook said while giggling . Sure enough , the teacher did notice them and frowned . " Mr.Jeon and Mr.Kim ! Mind telling us why are you laughing so hard ? Huh ! ", the teacher said glaring at the two . 

" Uh...we..we...umm...we were laughing because we ...", poor jungkook was out of excuses and the teacher's tomato like angry face wasn't helping .

Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged nervous glances as the teacher's stern gaze fell on them, their stifled laughter giving them away. With a twinkle in his eye, Jungkook quickly blurted out, "We were just practicing our silent laughter technique, ma'am! It's a new study trend to improve concentration!" 

Taehyung, always quick on his feet, chimed in, "Yes, and we were doing research on the positive effects of laughter on memory retention. It's all for the sake of academic excellence, you see!" The teacher raised an eyebrow, before shaking his head .

" Out ! Get of my class and research about the ' positive effects of laughter' there !" , the teacher shouted causing the students to close their ears...no one wants to deaf at such a young age . Jungkook pouted as they made their way out , he was silently glaring at taehyung . Taehyung just gave him a sheepish grin , nervously scratching his neck .

" I'm sorry kook , I didn't know that oldie would catch us ! Ughh....that teacher always is in a bad mood . Probably he fought with his wife while coming . Poor woman ! How does she handle such a dum-", taehyung stops blabbering after seeing jungkook glaring at him . He looked a angry little bunny , a cute little bunny . 

" Awww...you look like a cute angry bunny !" , taehyung cooed squishing jungkook's cheeks but the he quickly retreated his hands before jungkook tried to bite his fingers . " This angry bunny bites you alien ! I'll cut those fingers off with my bunny teeth !" , jungkook grumbled .

Taehyung quickly his his fingers behind his back and said ," Calm down you hungry bunny ! How can you bite my beautiful fingers! " but seeing jungkook still glaring at him , he gulped . " Ok ok.....how about I buy you banana milk after college , hmm ? " , taehyung said.

After a lot of coaxing , jungkook agreed to it . All this chaos totally made him forget about the weird stalker and those creepy notes .

▪︎▪︎▪︎Time skip▪︎▪︎▪︎

( 2 weeks later )

As time passed, Jungkook found himself growing closer to Taehyung, Namjoon, Jimin, and Yoongi. Taehyung's infectious personality always lit up his mood, while his cheesy remarks never failed to make Jungkook feel flustered. 

Namjoon's kind-hearted nature was something Jungkook admired, making him appreciate their friendship even more. Maybe Jin hyung finally found a good guy to date afterall . They were not official yet , but their small date had been a success .

Jimin, despite his tiny stature, brought chaos and laughter into Jungkook's life with his teasing and jokes. And though Yoongi may not be very talkative, his sassy remarks never failed to bring a smile to Jungkook's face, adding a unique dynamic to their group of friends. 

Through their different personalities and quirks, Jungkook found himself forming strong bonds with each of them.

The creepy stalker seemed to be on a break and jungkook didn't recieve any letters as such. He was glad about this . Maybe the stalker was just pulling a prank and got bored . Also jungkook couldn't help but feel a strange affection towards taehyung , the boy was really something .


That's it for this chapter. I hope you like it . Pls vote for my story . •♡•

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