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1K SPECIAL !!!!!

Let's goo~~~~ •♡•


Jungkook sighed for the nth time today . His mind kept going back to what happed today morning , he felt guilty and also confused . What was he supposed to do ?


Yugyyeom stood there waiting for a reply but jungkook was standing there speechless . The boy didn't know how to react . His friend had just told him that he had feelings for him . This was not how he hoped to start his day .

He felt a wave of guilt wash over him , because he knew he didn't return those feelings . He had feelings for someone else . But how was he supposed to tell this to yugyeom without hurting him ?

"Yugy.....i-i.....i'm sorry..", jungkook couldn't form any sentences .

Yugy looked at him , with a very saddened look on his face , which soon turned to a broken expression . It was clear to him. Jungkook didn't have any feelings for him . But it hurt.

"Yugy....you are a really good friend but i never say you in that way . I hope you understand . I would....still want to be friends with you , but i hope you soon let go of these feelings . I'm really sorry ."

Yugyeom looked down not saying a word . It made jungkook even more worried . "It's....o-ok . I-i understand ." Yugyeom said and jungkook could tell he was crying . He felt so bad , but he couldn't do anything about it .

Yugyeom suddenly ran away startling jungkook . He stood there for a while , pondering over what just happened . His life was a mess . He had a crush on his friend who probably doesn't like him back , he has a creepy obsessive stalker who broke into his house and he had to reject one of his own friends .

As he stood there , jin suddenly showed up and smacked his head . "Yahh!! What are you doing ? Why are you still standing here ?! You are going to get us both late !", jin grumbled . Jungkook just started walking towards class , ignoring jin , leaving him behind . He was too caught up in his thoughts to notice .

"The Disrespect !!", jin grumbled as he looked at jungkook walk away . He quickly caught up to him and both made their way to class . Jin knew there was something wrong , considering he saw yugy run away crying . But he decided not to ask and upset jungkook even more .

•••End of Flashback•••

It was the third class , 2 periods continuous maths ,but jungkook wasn't paying attention to it . He had more big things to worry about. He had to figure out the truth of this unknown stalker and at the earliest . Who knows what the stalker might do next ? They had already sent him a blood written letter .

But now come to think of it , jungkook realised that he had no proof ! The letter and pictures had been taken away and he had no evidence that he ever received those items . Heck ! He even threw away those chocolates and flowers . He felt so angry on himself . He was so dumb.

He needed to take help from someone . He doubted that his parents would even believe him , after what happened this morning . They might think he is just fooling around . Maybe he should talk to jin about it ?

No...he already has a few problems dealing with namjoon . They need to sort things out between themselves ,he can't distract them like this . It would be so selfish . Maybe then , he all alone in this. He would have to solve this problem on his own .

Jungkook sighed when he heard the bell ring and all the students rushed out not caring that the professor was shouting at them .

"Yahh!!! The bell doesn't dismiss you ! I do ! Come back here you brats !.....this generation is so disrespectful !", the professor grumbled . Looks like everyone one is in a bad mood today . Jungkook got up and followed jin to the cafeteria , where they found taehyung and the others waiting . They took their food and sat with them .

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