episode 7

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Yoongi and taehyung were happy with each other,their family is not forcing them for anything..
They both are searching for college and they have applied for the entrance exam also..

Taehyung wants to get graduated and become a professor in college..

Yoongi wants to join an intelligence officer..

Yoongi and taehyung had become good friends,they shared everything with each other,but taehyung was slowly falling for him.

Do I love yoongi..
Tae was questioning himself and this was noticed by yoongi mom..

Yoongi's mom
What happened son , what are you thinking and questioning to yourself..

Nothing mom..

Yoongi's mom
From when you started to lie to me..

No mom..

Yoongi's mom
I know you very well tell me, what's bothering you..

That mom ,my impression towards yoongi it's changed and I don't know whether I like him or infatuation..

Yoongi's mom
Son I know that this is the age where you feel all this, your 18 , love is something very special, it's not always happiness, you will have lots to go through this journey.
Love is accepting, compassion, affection, understanding each other, embracing each other flaws, standing for each other , appreciating each other,it's an emotion towards a person.
I know staying together you both may feel for each other,you should know whether it's attraction or love..

Thank you mom for explaining to me ,mom I feel happy with him,we share everything with each other,it gives me a protection vibe from yoongi.

Yoongi's mom
Good son,be honest and truthful in any relationship, that will always be good..

Love you mom..

Tae mom wants to talk to taehyung but she heard the discussion between tae and yoongi mom,she was happy that her son is having a mother who can guide him.
She felt happy and contented..

Yoongi's mom
I am happy for you,come lets have dinner..

Mom I will eat with yoongi..

Yoongi's mom
Ok son , take care, always remember mama is there for you both.
I love you both baby,I still remember how you used to call me mom and you would share everything with me,you can count on me for anything..

I love you mom,he hugged her tightly..

Yoongi's mom
She kissed his forehead and went away..

I think I started to like yoongi..

Yoongi come back from work..

Hi yoongi,how was your day..

Not bad taehyung,bit stress..

Taehyung made him sit and asked what happened to yoongi..

Nothing but the responsibility is increased and I am just trying to adjust..

Yoongi it's ok, don't worry I know you will do it, just trust yourself..
Don't overworked yourself, please take care of yourself..

Thank you tae ,I will, lets have dinner together taetae...

Taehyung smiled and said ok..

Yoongi went to fresh up himself and he came out after sometime and they both had dinner together..

Tae shall we go out..

Ok ,but how..

Come here..

Taehyung saw how he tied a long rope from his window..

Whenever I want to go out ,I would sneak out..

He smiled and said naughty Yoon..

Yoongi and taehyung went out by using the rope..

Yoongi where we will go..

Yoongi took him to the place where he often goes ...

Taehyung I love this place it always gives me so calm..

Yoongi Taehyung I love this place it always gives me so calm

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It's beautiful yoongi I really love it..

Taehyung was mesmerized by seeing this beauty..

Did you like it..

They both sat in a place and yoongi put his arms around the taehyung waist..

Taehyung felt a sudden current but he was calm..

So tae did you love this place..

I love it yoongi..

Let us come often..
Taehyung from tomorrow we are going to college,I will have to manage everything carefully..

Yoongi I will help you, don't worry,I have savings,we can take help..

Thank you for your support but don't worry I will manage,there will be time I may take my anger or frustrations on you , please don't feel bad,I am sorry..

Yoongi we are humans ,it's ok,we will have our ups and downs,but please share everything with me,I am always there to listen to you.
We will be alright in this journey..
Taehyung put his head in yoongi shoulder..

We are together taehyung,I know we will face lots of struggle but we will always have each other tae.

Yoongi pulled tae face closer and they both were having beautiful kiss..

Tae I think I started to like you but anyway we are bestie ❤️..

He blushed and he smiled..

Later they both went to home and slept..

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