Rainy day

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Jennie POV

The rain poured down in heavy sheets, soaking my hair and clothes as I walked down the busy city streets. It seemed like just another dreary day, but little did I know that it would be a day that would change my life forever.

I was on my way to the nearest coffee shop, seeking refuge from the storm and a warm cup of coffee to soothe my cold body. As I approached my destination, I noticed a girl sitting outside, seemingly unfazed by the rain. She was hunched over a notepad, scribbling away with a pen in her hand.

Curiosity got the best of me and I couldn't resist getting a closer look. As I got closer, I noticed that her eyes were focused intently on her writing, her lips forming a slight frown as she concentrated. I couldn't help but be captivated by her, despite the rain and the growing urge to get inside and out of the downpour.

I finally made it to the entrance of the coffee shop, but something made me pause. A voice inside my head told me to go talk to the girl in the rain, and against my better judgment, I followed that voice. I quickly made my way over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

Startled, she looked up at me with piercing brown eyes that seemed to see right through me. I stumbled over my words as I introduced myself and asked what she was writing. She simply smiled and gestured to the notepad, inviting me to take a look.

As I scanned the pages, I was struck by the beautiful poetry and prose that filled each page. I couldn't believe that this stranger, this mysterious girl in the rain, had such a way with words. I must have been lost in her writing for a while because when I looked up, she was mouthing something to me. I leaned in closer, trying to hear her over the sound of rainfall.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"I asked, feeling foolish.

She just smiled and said, "I'm Lisa. Do you want to join me for a cup of coffee?"

My heart raced at her words, and I couldn't help but say yes. We made our way inside, still getting strange looks from the other patrons who were rushing to escape the rain. But for me, it seemed like the rain had brought me to this mysterious girl, and I couldn't help feeling thankful for it.

We sat at a small table near the window, sipping on our coffee and talking about everything and anything. I learned that Lisa was a writer, a struggling one at that. She poured his heart and soul into her writing, but it was hard to make a living from it. I couldn't help but admire her passion and determination.

As the rain eventually slowed to a drizzle and then stopped altogether, I realized it was getting late. I reluctantly said goodbye to Lisa, but not before exchanging numbers and promising to meet up again soon. As I walked home, my mind was filled with thoughts of this enigmatic girl and the sparks of connection that I felt when we talked.

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of coffee dates and late-night conversations. We would talk about our past, our dreams, and everything in between. I felt like I could tell her anything, and she accepted me for who I was, flaws and all.

Through our conversations, I learned that Lisa had a troubled past. She had grown up in a broken home, with a father who was constantly absent and a struggling mother who eventually turned to drugs. Writing was her escape, a way to cope with the chaos of her life and her inner thoughts. I couldn't imagine the pain and struggles she had endured, but it only made me admire her more.

As our relationship deepened, I found myself falling for Lisa in a way I never thought was possible. She wasn't the typical mysterious, brooding type. She was kind, thoughtful, and had a passion for life that was contagious. I found myself wanting to be a part of her life, to support her in her dreams and be there for her in her struggles.

Eventually, Lisa and I moved in together, and I couldn't be happier. She continued to write, and I started to help her with editing and submitting her work to different publications. It was a long and challenging journey, but we were determined to make it work.

And one rainy day, after years of hard work, Lisa finally got the call she had been waiting for. Her first book was going to be published. We both cried tears of joy, hugging each other and realizing that this was just the beginning of our journey.

Looking back, I can't believe that a chance encounter in the rain led me to the love of my life. Lisa and I have been through so much together, and she continues to inspire me every day with her perseverance and passion. I may have met her on a rainy day, but she turned out to be my sunshine, my everything.

The end

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