Wand Material

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Through a special recommendation, Artoria Burnedead was allowed to enroll into the Easton Magic Academy. She is far more skillful than just simple mage student as she could defeat a Secondth magic with her normal magic. With her help, Morgan get the four Gold Coin. With the twins are in the school, these twins will show what domination is like.

(Easton Magic Academy)

One month passes since Artoria enrolled into the magic school. Her short time there doesn't effect her at all and she immediately become one of the top student along with Morgan and Margarette, and have been said to be par with them as a mage.

(Orca First Year Classroom)

Eddie: And with this kind magic, it allows those with less experience to gain more magic.

He teaching his students about magic energy essence.

Eddie: However, this method is not recommended because it means to extract the magic energy from other mages in order to gain it. As you know, these without magic don't have any privilege in this realm.

Hearing those words just make the Morgan somewhat angry inside because it means their brother.

Artoria: Onee-sama.

Morgan: Oh... right.

Artoria: Once you become a Divine Visionary, you can make your dream come true and change the society.

They focus back on the studies. Like Eddie said, this method of magic energy extracting is not recommended as it is dangerous. Though there is a certain someone who would do it for their own gain.


After the class and after their lunchtime, the Burnedead twins went to the field for training.

Morgan/Artoria: Avalon.

Both of them create holy magic lances, sending it flying toward each other. The lances crashing into each other, causing sparking explosion whenever the lances crash into each other.

Morgan: You always be the best lance user that I've ever met.

Artoria: Onee-sama, I'm the one lance user you know.

Morgan: Yes, I know.

They keep throwing lances at each other, even creating even larger lances that uses much powerful magic.

Morgan/Artoria: Large Avalon!

The lances cause much more explosion than the normal sizes ones, making things much more tense because how powerful these girls are.

???: Sounds!

Music notes appear between the lances pathway, making them explode by the notes. The twins turn side, and sees Margarette walking into the field.

Margarette: You girls have an intense training, and forget to tell me. How cold~. Morgan-chan, how could you forget about me?

Morgan: Margarette-chan, this is our training time. Can you please not interfere?

Margarette: Of course I won't. However...

He take out his magic wand, a wand look like a music conductor's baton.

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