Beach & Swimsuit

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In the first few days of the summer break, the Burnedead twins want to get Morgan a new wand because her wands keep breaking due to her magic energy output. They meet with the Ice Cane and the Knowledge Cane, before heading out again to get the mithril that is needed. After gaining the mithril for her new wand, Morgan finally get what she wanted. And with that is dealt with, time for some break.

(Burnedead Residence)

After the twins left the academy and take some of their stuff with them, they finally get home.

Regro: Ohhh! Morgan! Artoria! I'm so glad that you two are home! My daughters have come back home!!

Morgan: We're home, Pops.

Artoria: It's good to be home.

Mash: Welcome home, Morgan-neechan, Artoria-neechan.

Morgan: We're back, Mash!

Artoria: We're back to be back.

Regro: I am so glad that you two are all right. Is there anything bad happen to you? Did someone try to harassing you? You didn't get into bad crowd, don't you?

Morgan: Pops, you worried so much.

Artoria: We are fine. Except Nee-chan got three boys with her.

Regro: *shocked expression* Three boys?!

Morgan: *turn to Artoria* Artoria, don't make Pops get the wrong idea. *turn to Regro* We're just friends, don't worry about that.

Regro: That is exactly what I am very very worried about!

He is very shocked to the core, even when Morgan is trying to calm him down. Artoria put a plate of cream puff on the table, making Mash eating them, while Morgan make a tea for them. After taking a seat at the table, while Mash is enjoying the cream puff, the twins told Regro about their experience so far at the academy.

Regro: I see. So you truly are aiming to become a Divine Visionary, Morgan.

Morgan: I just can't sit still seeing my own brother is living hidden from the world. He deserve to be able to go outside.

Artoria: I agree.

Regro: If I remember, the Easton Magic Academy established a rule where a student with five Gold Coins can join the Divine Visionary exam.

Morgan: Yes.

She take out four Gold Coins and put them onto the table, and surprisingly, Artoria put one Gold Coin onto the table.

Morgan: Huh? Artoria, you got one?

Artoria: *nod* Yes. I was thinking of giving you at first, but... I think I wanted to become a Divine Visionary.

Morgan: But you don't have to. I alone was enough.

Artoria: I know, Onee-sama. But you entering the world where things will be very cruel. I don't want Onee-sama who is the kindest person in existence, become cruel so sudden for our sake.

Morgan: *smile wryly* K-Kindest person in existence? Are you sure you're not exaggerating?

Artoria: I am not. Onee-sama always been so kind toward many, no matter who the person is. The time when you are cruel is when it needed to be. I don't want Onee-sama to lose your kindness for us.

Morgan: Artoria...

Artoria: *turn to Regro* Father, I have decided this matter and will pursue it. I will help Onee-sama to make a better world so you and Mash can have a better life.

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