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It's my birthday today, during my lunch break, I decided to share some chocolates with my classmates. As I approached our classroom door, I noticed him standing there, shielding his eyes from the sunlight with a book. His eyes were striking, shaped like lotus petals, framed by dark, captivating lashes that seemed to pull me into another world. His silky, shiny hair cascaded gently onto his forehead, swaying in the breeze. Dressed in a black slim-fit shirt and blue jeans, he exuded an athlete's aura.

"Excuse Me!"

I came back to my senses and offered chocolates to him.

"Hello Stranger! I am Naina, 'Naina Davis' It's my birthday today mind to have some chocolates? "

"I don't like chocolates," he remarked, nudging me with his shoulder and giving me a condescending look.

"Moreover, aren't you a bit too old to be distributing chocolates at this age?" With that, he entered the class, leaving me standing there, taken aback by his arrogance.

"Well, lucky for me!" I retorted, raising my voice. "I don't want to give my precious chocolates to a jerk like you!" He smirked and took his seat, seemingly unfazed by my response.

My friends immediately approached me, scolding me for getting into a fight with him on his first day. I shrugged it off. Why should I care? I had actually been more polite to him than I typically was.

"If he is Mr. Attitude, then I am the mother of Attitude!" I declared, feeling a surge of defiance.

He suddenly turned back and approached my desk. My heart raced with fear. Would he shout at me? Maybe even throw a punch? Why did I always have to have such a sharp tongue? Why was I regretting my actions now? Why wasn't he saying anything?

Summoning my courage, I blurted out, "What? Are you going to hit me now?"

He placed his hand on his back and took out a small brown packet wrapped with a ribbon "Gift for you! Happy Birthday! "

Did he actually bring me a gift? But it's his first day at school. How did he even know it's my birthday today? Conflicted, I wondered if it was still okay to accept a gift from him after being so awful.

May be I got him all wrong. He might just be teasing me to become friends, or maybe he's not?

Oh Stop! Enough of this mind voice. First let me see what he got.

"Thank you Mr......?"

"It's Michael. Michael Jansen"

"Ahemm! Nice to meet you Mr. Michael! Thanks for the gift"

"My Pleasure"

I accepted the gift he bought, I feel something cylindrical in shape inside it. I think it's a lipstick. But how come he has a Lipstick.

Everyone around me were as curious as me to see what he gave and starting muttering.

"Do they know each other before? Are they from same family? Are they from same neighbourhood?"

I opened the pack and everyone around me burst out of laughing.

"Seriously! A Glue stick?" I shouted.

"I thought you really need it from today. Please do use it because I prefer a peaceful environment for myself and others to concentrate on our studies." He replied.

My special day has been ruined meeting a person like him. He made me a joke in front of everyone. I agree I got tricked by his looks but he is a maniac.

I threw it away and Stood up with force and said. "Then you have done a blunder mistake in your life Mr. MJ. You shouldn't have enrolled in this school, and even if you did, you shouldn't have messed with me."

"Remember this I won't let you live in peace for a single day. You will regret this!"

"Let's see!" he replied with a hint of attitude

Did he really challenge me just now?

Just as I was about to retaliate, the bell rang, and everyone quietly returned to their seats. Our classroom teacher entered and introduced him to our Class.

"Hi Students! This is your new Classmate Mr. Michael Jansen. He recently moved with family to this city, he might be needing your help to cope up in this new environment. I hope you guys take care of him"

"Naina, please be good!" she warned me gently.

"What? Mrs. Pearson, when have I ever caused trouble for anyone?"

"Ask me when you haven't, Naina. Whenever you're in class, it's like a zoo. You never behave like a girl should. You should be caring and gentle, but instead, you shout, jump, run in the hallways, and tease your classmates. Do you realize how many complaints I receive daily from other classes about your so-called silence?"

"They are just jealous seeing us having fun with each other."

"Enough Naina. I want you to behave from today atleast. You never take things seriously. You are in 12th grade now, it's Time to learn to be dignified"

"So, I'm going to swap your place next to Michael also it's your responsibility to help him catch up on the syllabus he missed and get things familiar in school"

"What? Me? Mrs. Pearson, I'd rather clean up the whole school everyday than help him. He is really troublesome"

"That's fine Mrs. Pearson I can handle myself. Maybe she's feeling uncomfortable helping a stranger. I can't just trouble people" he replied with a gentle voice.

"Wow! Have you been to acting school?" I exclaimed, taken aback by his sudden change in behaviour.

"You have such a gentle heart Michael. You really don't need to trouble yourself. Atleast if she is occupied with you we can have our surrounding peaceful" Mrs. Pearson said.

"Alright, Mrs. Pearson. Thanks for your kindness" he replied.

"But Mrs. Pearson, I really can't......."

"I don't want to hear back anything Naina, make sure you do what I've said. If he gets lower grades in his upcoming test, I'll hold you responsible," she warned leaving me with no choice.

"I'll be waiting for your assistance Naina!" he said, giving a teasing smile.

I am doomed. Why on earth did I meet him today. He is such a nuisance. Okay! If I think for a bit it's not a bad idea. I can get more chances to take back on him.

'Just wait and see Mr. MJ I will show you hell and make you regret for teasing me' I thought to myself.

_________**** Chapter 1 ****________

Dear Reader,

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for choosing to read my ebook. Your support and interest mean the world to me.

I also want to take this opportunity to apologise for any beginner's mistakes you might encounter in the content. As a new author, I am constantly learning and striving to improve. Your feedback and suggestions are incredibly valuable to me.

Please feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, or ideas on how the content can be enhanced. Your input will not only help me improve this work but also shape future projects.

Thank you once again for being a part of this journey. I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

Warm regards,

Thora Soul

My Valentine ! a book by Thora SoulWhere stories live. Discover now