chapter one: the steam duelist part one

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(Sorry it took so long to put out, enjoy)

(credit to Sean99810 for their wonderful idea, thank you for your patience input and now full steam!)
Years later(right before canon)

It was a quiet night in satellite, a patrol making their rounds when suddenly the ground begins to shake, looking up they see a large duel runner barreling toward them, forcing them to swerve as thw shadowed machine blasts by blinding them with steam as they try to pursue. This had become a nightly occurrence over the years, the steam runner appeared one night several years ago, taking out several of the turbo duelists that exist on satellite. Since no one has actually seen the duelist and due to how his runner looks, most think he is a just a legend stirred up by the security to discourage the creation of illegal duel runners, wnd that the 'steam duelist', but firat hand accounts, from what they can see is that the machine looks like an old loco from the scrapyards.

In the drivers seat we can see a 17 year old teen with a conductor's cap on and a ragged engineering coat flappingin the wind, grinning ashe shifted the controls, taking a sharp turn, listening and grinningas he hears the shouts and curses of the near blind security as he steered into a secret gate, slipping into the old subway tracks as he flipped some levers, the wheels of the machine deflating and locking onto the rails and the steam blasting from the pistons cutting off, showing a highly modernized and refurbished steam desiel

Inari:haha! Love taking the ol' girl out for a spin

He brings it to a slow stop at a decript looking station, shuttingit down and taling out a drive key, slipping it around his neck as he opened the door and stepped out, waving at some of the other station occupants, they were his trusted friends and thw only ones who knew the scrapper inari loco was thw infamous steam runner.

Many years had passed aince his faithful find in the junk yard, he had grown, becoming leanly musclef and taller, a self-assured smile gracing his face as he heads into his workshop office, plopping into a rolling chair and spinning over to the console, flipping a few switches as it roars to life and he looks through his jobs, he had built up a reputation for bring a highly reliable scrapper, one of the few willing to go where the reactors failed to obtain old tech for whoever paid him too, although lately, he had only been getting jobs for surveying the place from a mr.goodwin

"Hmm, nothing yet, and seem no new jobs either." Inari lean back, placing his hands behind as he relaxes and looks out the window, yawning. "Hmmm, oh?" Off in the distance he can see some sector security choppers making some rounds.

(I know its not much but i wanted to get this out after letting it sit and gain dust, let me know what you all think and don't aorry, i should get to a full duel soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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