2. Girl from the park

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I got home and went straight to bed, skipping dinner. I need to lose weight to be pretty, right? I'm doing so good so far, 2 whole days.

I fell asleep, music blasting trough my headphones. Tomorrow was Monday, great. The girl from the park had just moved here i think, she's already popular.

Her looks? Her personality?
Her looks, it's always looks. Always men who wanna use women, girls who just want to be complemented by people, girls who need reassurance. I need to be pretty.


As i slowly woke up, a couple hours before my alarm (somehow) i get an outfit ready. I'm too tired to shower or anything. I get dressed, brush my hair, do my makeup, and scroll on my phone till i need to leave.


I left. I knew the route. I played some more music. It's like my life depends on music now, but deep down i know it's just because i'm scared of my own thought. Pathetic. I felt the pins from my bag and coat on me. I was wearing some scuffed up converse, ripped jeans, a light green top, and again, my Brighton jacket.

While i walked i saw that girl again, she also walked, damn. I hope she doesn't make fun of me. It happens enough. I love life but wt the same time, why does this existence matter, why do i exist, what purpose do i serve?

I had a mini existential crisis on my way to school, but i got there on time. I walk to first period, wishing that i could just go home. It was a double period P.E day, so one of the days where i just can't breath. I don't wanna be here.

As i head to the gymnasium, i see the girl talking to the other popular girls. I overheard something but I'm pretty sure her name is Jenny. I get to the gym right before the bell rings, Jenny and the popular girls walking in a little after.
We ran the track 5 times, for some reason. The teacher blows her whistle, i covered my ears, trying not to cry. It's too loud. She says we're playing dodgeball, great.

We form teams and it starts, these kids are way too competitive. I almost got hit by one of those kids who whip the ball. A kid got hit, and another, and another, another...

Until i was the last one left. They were all yelling at me to catch a ball but i have terrible hand-eye coordination, so i just look like an idiot dodging. They all hate me, i know it. I should just slit my wrists and kill myself, this world would be better without my worthless, stupid, bitchy, pathetic self-


it was a complete blur. I couldn't remember anything, what colour the ball was, who threw it, nothing. All i knew was that the right side of my face hurt like a bitch and the left side of my jaw couldn't move without hurting. All i heard were kids yelling at me to get off, and the opposite team cheering at their victory, except for her.., the girl from the park. She sat me down since i apparently bashed my head on a wall. She picked me up and brought me somewhere, i was in so much pain but i tried not to cry. I wanted to be at home, or just be with a cat. Both were good in my opinion.

She brought me to the nurse.

I don't remember what happened after, all I remember was her next to me. We sat in silence for awhile before she spoke up.

"you don't have to go back to class by the way." she said, her voice was beautiful. It was caring, kind, natural, everything good. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"oh.. thanks... what's your name..?" I responded, i mentally cursed at myself, that sounded stupid.

"I'm Jenny, Jenny Letterson. You?"

oh my god i love her voice.

"..uhm- i-i'm Sophie..., Sophie Walten..." i say, i guess the frustration from stuttering was obvious because she responded with "that name is so pretty! I love your stutter by the way."

i blushed. i probably look like an idiot but i smile as i stutter out a thank you.

she giggled.

she giggled.

holy fuck she's cute, but she deserves more than me.

She spoke again
"So what's the last thing you remember before you passed out?"

i don't know.

"uh-uhm... uhhh....like- there was a ball i think" i say. obviously there was a ball, dumbass.

"Just- just a ball? That's it..?" She asked, her voice full of concern

"well like, i got hit with it i think..?" I said, trying to calm her down, but I genuinely can't remember.

she doesn't respond.
i fucked up, didn't i?

"what about the wall? Do you remember hitting it?" she finally says.

"i hit a wall?"

"oh no.." i heard her mutter. "um- they said that you should go home but your parents didn't answer"

"they're busy people" i say, slightly defensive

she looked at me weirdly. "Ok? No need to get upset..."

I immediately regretted it

"wait no- im sorry, im used to people judging them-"

Her gaze softened
"It's okay"

She gave me a paper and was about to leave but stopped at the door

"Don't go on your phone for too long, they think you might have a concussion"

She left. I read the paper and-

oh my god it's her number.


Words: 935

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