Week 10.

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04/03-2024 20:00/8 pm

Second day of hangover. Damnit i shouldn't had been drinking so much, but oh damn was it fun! i have no regrets  of that! Even though it pretty much sucks when you have hangover two days after, i even used my entire Sunday looking like a zombie. What a bother- and i even have 2 presentations to do, dang it! guess i could improvise? First lesson is economic...i wanna test something out, i heard she is difficult to speak with, i wonder what would happen if i change seats. The lessons quickly turned into a lesson of math, why!! this is not a part of pensum! so why is she showing us this? she barely know what she is doing herself, oh man and with this class she is certainly not gonna last...lessons continued, and even when asked to speak louder, her reply was to just change seat. Not a positive result. next is English, he is a fun guy, i like his humour, we had to finish our presentations, great an hour of doing  a little research, i sat outside of my classroom, just scrolling, getting to know this guy on snap, he is cute, but he reminds me a little too much of someone else, thankfully he lives in a whole different country, so i don't need to worry about him. First English lessons ends, new starts and i have to present! Compare to the others, i think mine went fine, through i could had sounded more confident and sure. Day is almost over, i still got one lesson left, which is the subject i find hardest, ended fine. Finally home, and i go straight into cleaning! i wanted to go to the gym..but hell i am exhausted...oh well i surpose if i nap a bit then i can go.

05/03-2024 22:46/10:46 pm

Shish...i completely overslept, not like i could go anyway, my mind is kinda....dark? I guess the effect from everything that have been happening is finally catching on.  I used up all my day, on cleaning, buying and snapping with this new guy, he is very sweet, i like his voice. I did manage to do som exercise, and finish some unfinished business.

06/03-2024 18:34/6:34 pm

What an odd day....it all started out fine, i answered som unanswered mails, had my mentor talk, and then the big break came, i met some of the teachers in the hall, and overheard them talk about what sort of women they were into, not sure if that is an information i wanted...but now i know, the mid day lessons were fine, it was mostly repeat of what we have been through, then the English lesson came, it was super fun, we wrote "business mails" granted my theme was broken underwear- because he did say we could choose whatever. I  guess that made him worried for upcoming answers. Good, overall it was a fun lesson, and i did actually get something out of it, I decided to stay in school after school, to finish off the assigned homework. I should had gone home, i ended up learning how one of the teachers have had a sex shop as their finish project, and how he suggested Pharmacias and beauty shops should be selling sex toy, as well as one of our most populair beauty shop is selling toys, i did not know that. i did not NEED to know that. But now i am forever cursed to know that., thankfully they left some minuttes after, and i finish off my homework and went home. Yesterday i saw too much, and today i learnt too much.

07/03-2024 22:32/10:32 pm

Embarrassment. I barely remember the beginning of the day, but i certainly remember my mentor time! I knew was my class wasn't as populair as they may think, but i did not realize our class was literally one of the most disliked among the teachers! I can't say i blame them, even i get exhausted by their constantly whining, breathe wrong and someone is ready to send in complains! My mentor told me how my class was sending in complaints about the school daily! And how it had been an issue giving out mentors for our final project, because no one want my class, the constantly negativity has finally hit them! Even the arsekisser of a student has gotten significant disliked, as his constantly trying to buddy the ladies up, have been noticed, and started to annoyed rather than be funny. She told me how it was very few students from my class she found pleasent enough, such a shame...they have big potential for being great, and instead of being adults they act like kids who gets told "no" for the 100 time! Apparently they even embarrassed one of our schools investors! Oh yeah i did give our headmasters muffins, i hope they like them, i don't know how to show appreciation for their work any other ways than that...

08/03-2024 19:10/7:10 pm

I did not feel like wearing any makeup or extra outfit, i just wanna go to school...get it over, and come home. My friend is visitting me tomorrow to help me clean, i am both excited and nervous about that, he asked to chill over while his girlfriend is out partying, it wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't because they seem to be going through some communication issues currently, and i just don't wanna go through all of that drama again, it hurted so much last time! Anyway it appear the headmasters has still not found out that it were me who brought them the muffins, though i do suspect one of them may have figured it  out..., today it thankfully a short day, it started out as fine as anything could be, but by the end of the Danish lesson, our teacher handed me my mid exam assignment and sid loudly: "Here is your paper, you can just throw it out", my friend seem very unapproved of that, the feedback wasn't even great, it was just pointing out it was one huge assignment of mistakes, didn't specify what, then again she has convinced herself i dislike the lesson, and according to the feedback she has just given up on me! Great...i don't know what to feel, but looking at my friend's reaction, she clearly did not like the feedback or reaction our teacher had to mine, i surpose i should be thinking a bit how i feel about it, granted i do not like the whole "i gave up on looking at the words" fantastic more reflection, next is psychology...which is rather easy, though i will at the beginning having a mentor talk with my other mentor, to discuss some methods i could use for my final project. The talk went great, he complimented my work greatly, seems like i know what i do, the psychology lessons ended and i just went home to reflect, feel, and moreover clean and get ready for the visit tomorrow! Granted i feel a little saddened that my brother now is turning 17....

09/03-2024 23:44/11:44 pm

I'm sick....dang it. Well at least i won't have to worry about visit, i texted him about the cancelled plans and slept until noon. My cats was miawing for attention, of course...i almost forgot to feed them doing my sick, i unfortunately needed to do shopping, so while i was on edge to puking i feed my cat, got myself ready and brought tons of salads. I used the entire day on watching crime confessions on youtube.

10/10-2024 16:50/4:50 pm

Still sick. But apparently it is mother day in UK? i had to check it out, because i was sure mothers day was in may. It is...but in my country. I continued my sickness with documentaries from psychopaths who got caught. As well as eating way too many sweets, i really should do something about my diet, i thought it be easier when i got away from my family, but i did not calculate how big an impact their degrading comments have had on me, granted it is much easier, but i still need to get ride of the bad habits, i don't how but somehow i gotten more anixety of the gym? I gotta work on that as well, the walks however is going so much easier, i managed to walk over 14.000 steps a day, so there certainly has been improvement, maybe i should just focus on my mental health and less on my body? I mean i finally have the chance to actually get healing without setbacks....probably the better option.   

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